If central bankers start wars for profit and to advance the NWO, - TopicsExpress


If central bankers start wars for profit and to advance the NWO, are veterans heroes or mercenaries and dupes? P.S. In the 1950s, 60s, 70s, and 80s, a certain percentage of young American men from blue collar families would typically join some branch of the military to gain employment, free medical and dental care, free meals and housing, technical training, perhaps some college, and above all, have an adventure and see the world. No one of those decades had any inkling of what the Pentagon was really about and just how rotten are the scoundrels and liars of DC who connive with their pals in banking and the military-industrial complex to create the pretext and excuses to wage war against innocent people in far away lands, so said scoundrels can generate obscene amounts of profit and booty for themselves, and all at taxpayer expense. Following the treachery leveled against military service men in the first Gulf war (1991) by its own govt in which hundreds of thousands of men and women were subjected to vaccinations that caused the intentionally introduced, lab created Gulf War syndrome (or illness), you would think that far more young people would think twice about joining a Pentagon killing machine that had all the earmarks of satanic stewardship. Scores and scores of returning military men are committing suicide because they can no longer take the mental torment that their conscience has forced upon them for their unconscionable conduct in the Middle East. Read: US soldiers are more likely to commit suicide than be killed in combat presstv/detail/2014/09/17/379068/475-us-troops-committed-suicide-last-year/
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 14:54:50 +0000

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