If ever there was a need to pray and reach out to others with Gods - TopicsExpress


If ever there was a need to pray and reach out to others with Gods Word, the time is now. It seems a new trend is developing where people just decide to end their own lives. They plan ahead, set a date and then proceed to just kill themselves for no apparent reason. God teaches us to value life. Yes, there are times of war when the loss of life cannot be prevented. But to just calmly sit down one day, set a date and kill yourself is nothing short of demonic. We are not talking here about people suffering from depression or any other psychiatric condition. They just have nothing better to do, I guess. Not only this, but just look at all the new diseases that are developing daily, it seems...Ebola, Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever, Enterovirus...whats next? Oh, and the constant ISIS threat here on our homeland. Not only is ISIS threatening to destroy this nation, but the individual elements of murderous muslims who make up ISIS are saying they are ready to strike at will. These people do not play nice, my friends. They have one mission...to kill us or convert us. There is no freedom of choice here, except if we refuse to convert, we die. Sounds a lot like what the Bible says about the mark of the beast, doesnt it? There are so many threats and dangers lurking all around us now. We are hesitant to even leave our homes at times. But we must remember one very important thing....God does not give us the spirit of fear. He has made us warriors in His army for such a time as this. We must be prepared for battle, we must stay in fellowship with our Lord. Reach out to others as we fight this battles of battles for souls. Now is not the time to worry about being popular or accepted. Now is the time to answer our call to duty
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 23:40:09 +0000

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