If it makes you sad now, think about this You’re going through - TopicsExpress


If it makes you sad now, think about this You’re going through your old itunes library years and years from now, long after homestuck is over. You’ve grown up, started a family of your own, and probably don’t hang out on your old blog anymore- you don’t have time. For the most part, you’ve just about forgotten about most of your old fandoms and if you haven’t forgotten, you certainly aren’t active in them, anymore. You’re far too busy to deal with those things, now. But maybe one day you have a free hour or two, so you decide to sort through your itunes playlists- after all these years, you have far too many songs that you don’t care about, anymore, and it’s time to delete them. For the most part you just see the title and right click and delete, no big deal. But occasionally one or two catch your eye and you decide to listen to them one more time, just to make sure you want to get rid of them. This is one that catches your eye. You don’t really remember downloading it and the title of the track is just “Rainy Mood- Alternia” Alternia? Why does that sound so familiar, you wonder. It must be something silly from your past, some song you downloaded on a whim from a band that was a one hit wonder just because it was a “hit” that week (you loop it in with that song, Call Me, Maybe). But for curiosity’s sake you play it one last time. And it all hits you- all at once. From the very first note it’s all flooding back to you; the hours you spent online reading this weird comic, the money you spent trying to organize a cosplay (or twelve), the tears you shed over fictional characters and pairings you loved The friends you made The friends you don’t really know, anymore You haven’t had contact with any of them for god knows how long and you haven’t really thought about most of them for the longest time. But you suddenly start remembering them, wondering how they’re doing, wondering if they’ve forgotten all about you, too (you’re sure they have) Your kids are at school right now Your significant other at work You had the day off and you’re all alone in the house And you cry
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 22:14:25 +0000

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