If jesus Is come to light fire what do I care because is already - TopicsExpress


If jesus Is come to light fire what do I care because is already death, if heart is not diseased meaning spiritually drunkest, in his second coming is gonna let you know, the christians wherever they are theres war, wherever they go waiting for a dying animal so they can bounce on them and eat them up like frogs in a rainy season or vultures, dont deceive people dont do that dont make it a condition that you become a Christian and we give you help.AD). the christians waiting for students to join them in my life will never be part of, at you for those who have stray from the path, I rather be waiting for my visa to earn my living not hypocrisy. So my people am begging you to all don stay youre save here, but if you travel overseas youre in a ocean theres no protection for you, they will not protect you, the Jew is very clever is using the Christians to do all the dirty jobs( AD). Allah dont say things like that without a reason check this up Allah says in the Quran when he say hulaman alima a boy possessing knowledge Ishaq the progenitor of the Jew and Arabs Allah says hulaman halima in Hebrew God heard Ismael the progenitor of the Arabs, a boy submissive, humble suffering, when He say this theres something to it not just to rhythm, this are all find in them. So Allah is telling us in the Quran ch29 v45, do not go into mere disputation with the people of the book meaning the Jews and the Christians, dont debate, argue with them but with ways that are best, mere argumentation no way dont you do that, talk in a way that is better than that Allah is saying, If someone throw mud at you, you can also throw back, but not stone instead raise yourself high so the stone will not touch you, with fire bricks use it to build your fence, coz fighting all this years fighting is no solution. Shake that actually is not them is like from out of that and pull out like elastic you know, we laugh at the Jews but the laugh is also on us. Lets find a common ground, look he got nothing to do with us, my pride and joy is to restore peoples dignity and the basic human rights, and to dedicate my life to there sovereignty yes I am from Them Gambia but is not important where you from, let us unite against been divided, walk with him with thy adversary going to the magistrate you know. All this what have been said about me I am not that, am so full of love and want a career to cater for my needs and my family, and to give out charity but society is after me, I dont mean they dont give you refuge when you there the Iranians, Turks, Lebanese, South Africans, The Gambians etc, so to night am gonna hold it tide twist around my refuge my sanctuary satisfaction guaranteed, (GW), how I thought it was greener until I look it from the other side. Unless you hearing voices from heaven but all we want is freedom for all, so practise peace not war and racial hate and brutality, create opportunity, you see the joy money brings is only temporal the real comfort is in hereafter to acquire peace or have serenity in heart is only through the remembrance of Allah Quran ch13 v28. So do good and be happy and establish regular prayer, no individual prayer will take it from you, so do your best to do the right. So I see you when I see you. I thank you Ok alhamdulillahi, so full of life you see me glowing all over.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 23:24:02 +0000

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