If only the media would treat domestic violence in Australia with - TopicsExpress


If only the media would treat domestic violence in Australia with the same gravitas as the tragic downing of a commercial airliner. Yes 37 Australian citizens and residents died in what is essentially a war crime at worst, or a terrible miss identification of aircraft type by pro Russian militia. (And this is just history repeating itself...the Russians shot down Korean Air Lines Flight 007 on September 1, 1983 killing 239 passengers and crew, and if you are keeping score, on July 3, 1988, in the volatile Persian Gulf, the USS Vincennes shot down an Iran Air Airbus A300 bound for Dubai, United Arab Emirates. All 290 passengers and crew aboard were killed. Even the Ukrainian government have blood on their hands, on October 4, 2001, a Siberian Airlines Tupelov 154 headed from Tel Aviv, Israel, to Novosibirsk, Russia, was shot down and plunged into the Black Sea, killing all 78 aboard, the Ukrainian government admitting its military accidentally shot it down!) Over 72 Australian women will die over the next 12 months, murdered by their partners. The SundayMail today devoted 11 pages to the MH17 atrocity. Granted domestic violence is not as spectacular news as a plane being shot out of the sky, but it is equally as tragic, preventable and a crime against humanity.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 02:38:15 +0000

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