If someone has spoken to you in a condemning manner who calls - TopicsExpress


If someone has spoken to you in a condemning manner who calls themselves a “Christian”, ignore them. They are not speaking from God but from themselves( flesh). When you come to know God, His Holy Spirit lives within you and develops in you what is called the fruit of the Spirit; love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. These are the characteristics of God Himself. If the a person does not display these traits in their lives and the words they speak, they do not have God dwelling in them. A person who speaks condemnation must first judge. Judgment that results in condemnation is sin. This kind of judgment God has reserved for Jesus on what is known as judgment day. A person who practices judgment and condemnation is not only guilty of sinning twice against man but also twice against God. No one has the right to demand changes from anybody. No one has the right to tell some one to make changes in themselves. God Himself does not even do this. He simply asks us to ask Him for forgiveness of our sins in earnest, give Him our lives then He creates the change in us. God will never place condemnation on a person. He draws us to Him with His gentle loving kindness. He places in our hearts a knowledge of our wrong doings, a remorse that creates a desire to rid ourselves of the sin in our lives. He changes our hearts, our lives at the rate, the timing, He chooses. It may be immediate or it may be over a period of time as we yield ourselves to His Holy Spirit. He is not rude, angry, aggressive or demeaning. He is Love and all things done through Him are done in love. There is a scripture that has lost a few simple, but very important words in translation from the Greek. *Romans 8:1. There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.* I am simply going to place them. ..to them which are in Christ Jesus. ..by them which are in Christ Jesus. ..among them which are in Christ Jesus. Please do not hold against God the things that come from man. He is loving and gentle and the changes He makes in a heart and life are the same. This is your soul. Seek God and His truth.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 09:31:50 +0000

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