If the Innate Wisdom of Your Body Were Given a Voice, What Would - TopicsExpress


If the Innate Wisdom of Your Body Were Given a Voice, What Would it Say? Medical science implies that disease and its many symptoms is a serious mystery. We are told that the billions of dollars that are donated and set aside for medical research is being paid to some of the most intelligent men and women in the world to continue their research into the microscopic components of disease, looking for the elusive “cure.” I know many of these brilliant individuals who actually discovered or developed “cures” for some of these diseases. The mildest response was to be fired from their jobs. Others were driven from the country, and others were driven to financial ruin and destroyed credibility. For medical science to offer true solutions for disease would be the same as an oil company being in support of inventions that separate hydrogen and oxygen from water. Are you aware of the fact that there have been several individuals who have figured out ways to use water in place of gasoline? A car runs fine on the hydrogen from water, while the engine exhausts oxygen instead of carbon monoxide. Whether a person is discovering true solutions for disease or how to run cars on water, both are equally destructive to corporate profits, and both would nullify the purpose of each of these powerful businesses. So, do you really believe that after decades of research and billions of dollars spent in pursuit of “cures”, that the best medical science can come up with for treating cancer also happen to be the two most common causes for cancer: radiation and toxic chemicals? Talk about job security! So, since it’s a complete waste of time to sit on pins and needles awaiting the announcement of the “cure for cancer,” or any other degenerative disease, what is the best alternative? If you listen very closely to the voice of your innate wisdom, which comes through your intuition, you will hear the truth regarding health and disease. The highest priority you will hear is: “Stop destroying your body!” Next, you would be told that to continue treating symptoms is actually an insult to your innate wisdom, since the greatest treatment in the world, at best, only enhances your body’s ability to normalize its own functions. There really are no mysteries in health and disease! We have no need for more “cutting edge” treatments. We simply need to stop destroying our bodies. Then, learn the simple steps to follow in order to support our bodies in fulfilling the agenda they are already brilliantly engaged in: normalizing body chemistry functions. I have spent over 25,000 hours listening to, and providing a voice for the intuitive wisdom of the people I have worked with. After listening to myself repeat the same things over and over, I developed this information into the Spinning Plates of Progress and the Body Chemistry Support System. The wisdom provided by the thousands of people I have worked with removed all mystery from disease. Who really knows better how to care for the human body than the individual innate wisdom within the body? Now that this collection of information is available to you, disease should no longer be considered an inevitable experience of life, but now, for you it is a choice! The principles of health are like an exact road map. If a person follows the map, it is impossible to get lost in disease. If you follow the road map of the 10 Spinning Plates of Progress, Healing Through the Portals of Time, and the Body Chemistry Support System, you no longer need to wonder what disease your body is developing. You can be confident that you are creating a level of health that makes it impossible for disease to even exist. Dr. Mick will be doing his blood analysis and Body work from Thursday July 31st, through Wednesday August 6th. Dr. Mick works from 9am to 6pm each day including the weekend. If you would like to book an appointment or have any questions please call Dean at 714-485-2299 or e-mail dean@drmickhall 35forlife Lecture for July 30th: Dr. Mick Halls Lecture Class title: Reopening the Pathways of Life Throughout the Body (the secret to avoiding all disease) Location of class: Common Ground Address: 550 B North Golden Circle Drive Santa Ana, CA 92705 Date of class: Wednesday July 30th Time: 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM Cost: None Value: Priceless 35forlife If you have a group that you would like Dr. Mick to speak in front of, please contact Dean in the office at dean@drmickhall or 714-485-2299 dean@drmickhall If you have missed any past newsletters. 35forlife/education.htm Or visit Dr. Mick on Facebook. You dont need a Facebook account to access the information on this page. facebook/DrMickHall 35forlife
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 18:09:08 +0000

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