If they wanted to be Americans, why didnt they go through the - TopicsExpress


If they wanted to be Americans, why didnt they go through the proper channels to begin with?? Why did they sneak in and hide?? Yeah, I get it that they escaped terrible situations, but so did my ancestors..but my ancestors came here and followed the rules, some went to Ellis Island, they waited and did it within the letter of the law.. Today illegal aliens expect to reap the benefits and not have to pay.. Fly under the radar...Im sorry, I CANT fly under the radar...Ive tried..I get caught..Often, they refuse to learn English, then demand we accommodate their religious needs in the work place, i.e my work place felt pressured to provide a special prayer place for associates..they expect government benefits, feel entitled..Just listening to the commentary after Husseins address...he said that we all came from somewhere else, unless you are Native American..all of us have foreign blood in us...but MY ancestors came here and entered legally...they came here without an attitude of using this country or feeling entitled..they looked forward to working hard for what they got, to pay their way...they had pride in themselves, pride in contributing, pride in their new home...America..I dont see pride in being an American in very many immigrants these days..actually, there are still a lot of Americans who arent proud of their country..like our First Lady who made the comment, after Hussein was elected, that she was PROUD to be an American NOW...you werent before??? Yeah, Im on a rant after Husseins address to the public..my Liberal friends wont even read this, and Ill bore my Conservative friends to death...so, Ill just read it to myself and check for spelling and typos. Damn! I feel better.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 01:55:29 +0000

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