If this administration yanks the assistance out from all the - TopicsExpress


If this administration yanks the assistance out from all the people who are barely getting by, who the job markets CANNOT SUPPLY all at once, maybe even people you never thought and have come to love are going to be in a serious world of hurt. How will you look then, them in the face knowing you were the reason they are going down and their family may split because of it? The GOP is going to close the walls on IRAN and make this war into a much more SERIOUS campaign and the middle class and East, very well could crumble all at once FORCING THE ENTRY of the NEW WORLD ORDER. You call me crazy all you want but, tell me of one reason they couldnt do it. They have always swore to defend the safety of Israel (The Holy Land), they have clearly informed us all of an Iranian threat to annihilate Israel AND the best part is, Iran openly refuses! When the GOP decided it was war time last time, every dollar coming into our government went out of the country. Our markets collapsed because they continued to allow the financial and private sector to basically do whatever the hell they needed to, in order to keep our country alive and fighting. Obama finally calms many of the storms, minimizes our military out sourcing and then America takes his tools away and gives them to the VERY REASON we are still there today. Why do you think China keeps growing? They do not go on the offensive like we do. We sell it to the American people that its an imminent threat then, they become JUST THAT (and the world blames us all for it so you know). How much more until they have a case for the U.S. becoming the second coming of the Germany and the Nazis? Tell me after what you just saw during the elections that, they have any shame what so ever in selling us all the lies that we can eat? Why did we go to Iraq the 1st time? Anyone? They want a smaller government because its easier to keep secrets that way and that is how we got Edward Snowden leaking the implementations of the Patriot Act and the N.S.A.s new found power of knowing EVERYTHING about EVERYONE (even us) brought to us by W. Obama could have killed the Patriot act with the departure of US soldiers in Iraq but he did he? No and why? The Patriot Act was nothing more than a stretch of presidential powers on the premise of war was it not? Obama, promised transparency, but it was only for him, his staff and the GOP shot right through it by shooting blanks (false propaganda) and even though the man never fell, you all believed it! Those of you how are very limited in you actual political knowledge are quick to choose a side with out ever knowing the cause. I use to do the very same thing when I was a kid. Every single bit of it. Even though every time McConnell and the GOP War machine were proven wrong, they would change the topic and develop a new rhetoric pill they were passing through the stream lines for the fear followers to swallow. Sometimes, I wonder if they had told you Big Foot was real, if maybe you would come out and announce one as your Presidential candidate for 16? Who knows these things? Unlike the GOP, Obama kept those same safeguards in place because of the greater good. All you folks (including myself and we do get child care assistance) with any assistance at all from the Uncle Sam should probably brace yourself for a serious fall and an enormous amount of war and corruption. If you give them the White House then Lawd help us awe! Brought to you by the tree hugging Liberal that really isnt left or right but middle. I always listen to GOP outlets to see what they are selling and compare it to what I could never forget over the past 16 years of my life and man, it is SO FAR OFF THE GRID. This is my own calculation and personal perception. I understand that many people will disagree and I welcome your feelings too.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 16:40:05 +0000

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