If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole - TopicsExpress


If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole world would change.” — Buddha Each year I keep my eyes open for the first sign of spring. After a winter of bitter cold blasts, spring can’t get here quickly enough. Let the season of glorious rebirth and dancing around the Maypole begin! May we know enough to stop and take time to smell the sweetness in flowers. And may the first blossoms remind us that life itself is a precious miracle. March The Pisces New Moon on the 1st invites one and all to consider their hopes and dreams for the coming month. Although unobtrusive, this part of the lunar cycle is akin to the shot fired at the start of a race. On your mark. Set your sights on the finish line. Pace yourself. We’re not setting off on a sprint but rather a marathon. Both Mars and Saturn turn retrograde at the beginning of the month. The route is likely to prove more arduous and require more patience than imagined. There are helpful signs, though. Mental Mercury, having completed his retrograde on the final day of February, is gathering momentum. On Thursday, March 6th Jupiter also will resume forward motion. Having both travel and communications planets again moving forward facilitates progress as well as learning. The road ahead can feel like a scramble the week of the 10th. Mercury challenges Saturn on Tuesday but then aligns favorably with Mars later in the week. Delays may necessitate a change of strategy. This week the waxing Moon helps us overcome obstacles. At 1:08PM on Sunday the 16th, the full “Worm” Moon in Virgo is said to awaken those wiggly creatures — so essential to healthy soil fertility — from their winter slumber. The Moon also keeps us humans active and fully engaged. Friendships new and old have a rosy glow as Venus nears a happy aspect with Uranus on the 18th. This is a good time to try new things or buy a computer. The astrological New Year and beginning of Spring always coincide with the Sun’s arrival in Aries. Mark the 20th down in your calendar. Press “restart” and prepare to begin anew. Mental Mercury has returned to the point at which his most recent retrograde began. Some of last month’s delays can now be resolved. The Winged Messenger overtakes Neptune on Saturday the 22nd, making this a fine day for dreaming and appreciating the wonders of Mother Nature. Travelers, philosophers, politicians and religious leaders enjoy Mercury’s links with optimistic Jupiter on Wednesday the 26th. This is an excellent time to promote a cause or idea or finalize a business deal. Resist the temptation to make impulsive purchases on Saturday the 29th. Venus is caught betwixt and between, passionately engaged with Mars but at odds with serious Saturn. The void-of-course Moon, now at the end of its monthly cycle, says, “hold onto your cash.” The month’s second new Moon, this time in Aries, is the official kickoff to the celestial New Year. Occurring the afternoon of Sunday the 30th, it is also a harbinger of another new activity cycle. Close by unpredictable Uranus, this new Moon activates several other unstable planetary alignments. Make plans but be prepared for unexpected surprises in coming weeks. Literally, anything goes. April As April gets under way the Aries Sun is conjunct Uranus, square Jupiter, opposite Mars and square Pluto. This is an extremely tense configuration that puts enormous stresses on Earth. It is the astrological signature of extreme weather, geological upheavals, revolutions and rapid but chaotic personal evolution. Popular leaders may champion progressive causes, speak of individual rights, respect for the Earth and a more equitable distribution of wealth. The behind the scenes powers that be are just as likely to push back hard. In fact, April is one of the year’s pivotal months. The first week sets the tone. Stressful planetary alignments can be highly motivating and the formidable energies put to good use. But be aware. They can also be destructive. Play it safe. Don’t rush. Choose your actions, words and causes with thoughtful consideration. Respect others, no matter what their beliefs. We are all on this one small planet, together. Universal, unconditional love and a sense of oneness are conferred by Venus’s soothing conjunction with Neptune on Friday the 11th. The aspect is also good for enjoying art and beauty. Cue up a favorite video and be transported by a cinematic drama. Mercury enters into the thick of the celestial Cardinal Cross stress zones as mid-month nears. Just as the Moon waxes full Mercury is at odds with Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto and Mars. More good judgment and lots of patience are required. A healthy sense of humor is helpful. During the early morning hours of Tuesday the 15th the full “Pink” Libra Moon sails high in the sky and is eclipsed. Talk of tax resistance is likely, even as returns are filed. Again, issues of fairness can be expected. In the shadow of the eclipse, important decisions are best put on hold. Sit quietly. A realization is a possibility. The Sun’s entry into Taurus on the 19th initiates the greatest splendors of spring. New England comes alive with echoing birdsongs, vibrant greens and the colorful splashes of crocuses, daffodils and forsythia bushes. Overhead, the skies are anything but tranquil. Mars, Pluto and Uranus now challenge Jupiter. Faith and purpose are tested. Answers do not come easily. Don’t underestimate the complexity of a challenging situation but seek simplicity in daily routines. Basic needs are a guiding principle. Disagreements can turn rivalries into violent confrontations the week of the 21st. Drive safely, especially during the first part of the week. Uranus forms an exact square with Pluto on Monday. Many of this era’s most egregious abuses of power, law, the Earth and the rights of citizens around the globe, as well as market manipulations, are tied in with the history-making square between these two celestial heavyweights. This square is the fifth in a series of seven. The process started in 2012 and concludes next year. Making it more potent is the fact that this month we have a Cardinal Cross, with Mars and Jupiter also in play. Expect news of earthquakes and wild market fluctuations. Kinder aspects predominate during the last week of the month. The weekend of the 26th and 27th is a good time to show your respect for Mother Nature. Plant a tree. Clean up the yard or a local park. The Taurus Sun and Mercury are making nice with Neptune. Spring fragrances or a freshly cut lawn can be intoxicating. A solar eclipse at the time of the Taurus new Moon on Tuesday the 29th can reveal another epic swindle or heist. Safeguard assets as best as you can. Keep your senses on alert, as new information will soon be surfacing. May The first day of May is a comparatively gentle affair. Moods are light and breezy. More serious matters weigh on minds on Friday the 2nd, thanks to Mercury’s opposition with Saturn. Juggling financial resources is one way to get out of a tight spot. Better yet, hold the line on spending and conserve funds. The Taurus Sun forms fortunate angles with Pluto on Saturday the 3rd and Jupiter on Tuesday the 6th. Some timely alliances will take shape. Others find new meaning and purpose under these constructive alignments. Renewal always follows an ending. Keep this in mind as the Sun tests Saturn on Saturday the 10th. For some, a parting of ways is likely and Sunday’s opposition between Venus and Mars can further emphasize differences. Stress levels are fairly high on Mother’s Day. Be on your best behavior. The waxing Moon kicks life into a higher gear as the new working week begins. On Wednesday the full “Flower” Moon in Scorpio reminds us to heed the words of Buddha and contemplate the wonders of a single flower. Venus is close to conjunct Uranus and in range of the Cardinal Cross impact zone. Love can be head over heels fun or a study in futility. In any case, relationships promise to be entertaining. Expectations are grand and celebrations lavish during the weekend of the 17th and 18th. Enjoy the festive atmosphere. Partnerships may be volatile as Mars resumes forward motion on Monday the 19th. Many projects will soon move forward with much greater ease. The following day change is in the air. The Sun reaches the first degree of Gemini Tuesday night. Many folks will be busy making summer vacation plans. Time and money are efficiently managed this week. Jupiter forms a superb trine to Saturn on the 24th. In the days leading up to the trine make career plans and other decisions with confidence. Use caution if you’re traveling on Saturday. Pay attention at the wheel. The remainder of the long holiday weekend features relaxing trends. The Gemini new Moon of Wednesday the 28th finds the Sun and Moon at odds with Neptune. Stay alert. Faulty logic can lead to a major disappointment. Illusions may be shattered and hopes dashed. Verve and ambitions may not fully recover until Friday. Fueled by the Sun’s pending trine to Mars, life moves along nicely. If a perplexing situation gets on your nerves Saturday afternoon, slow down and smell the perfume of May flowers.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 13:03:49 +0000

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