If you believe in God, if you believe God created people equally, - TopicsExpress


If you believe in God, if you believe God created people equally, then why would one who professes those beliefs be malicious in their treatment of Barack and Michelle Obama? Ah, could it be that they have convinced themselves that the Obamas are not Christian? So, its okay to treat non Christians any way you want to? I am serious. I get religious posts all the time. I dont mind. I dont comment on them or forward them. I just move on in my News Feed. Im spiritual, not religious and feel to each his own. As long as we treat each other with dignity and truth, no problem. That bearing false witness is a problem for me. It is the height of hipocrisy to pray loudly enough for everyone to hear how holy and good you are, and turn around an intentionally lie. I should not say intentional. Maybe, just maybe, they believe what they are posting. But then, if it is not intentional lying, then it becomes a case of willful ignorance, because facts are easily checked. I dont believe they check. I believe it is easier for them to see a lie and repeat it if they already hold hate close and this lie feeds that hate. The Right Wing pages have an amazing amount of of this type of rhetoric. Combining a lie with gospel. Which some of you will say the Left Wing has too. Not so. That is one thing the Left Wing has going for it. They do not mix the holy and wholly absurd. The Left Wing makes an attempt to fact check themselves. I really appreciate that. I like how it is done too. I can post something and if it is wrong or misleading, the Snopes posts will be the next few posts I get. Thank you, Lefties!! If you send a Snopes, Fact-check or any other corrective info post to a Right Wing post or meme, can you tell me what happens?? Well, I can tell you, you wont be thanked. My pet peeves have always been repetitive stupidity and lying. Lying because, I never have been any good at it. You see, I have always had one of the worst memories in history. I was having senior moments by the time I was two. Which is probably why I like books, facts, and accounting. Just a quick hint for younger folks, and you can pass this on. If you dont have a phenomenal memory, dont lie. I think Ive gotten rid of my anger. I am calming down nicely. Now to go have a nice nightcap. -end of rant-
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 07:05:00 +0000

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