If you can handle graphic images, please, PLEASE watch this. These - TopicsExpress


If you can handle graphic images, please, PLEASE watch this. These things happen EVERY day, senselessly claiming lives in fractions of seconds. Promise yourself that you will not drive distracted or allow yourself to be an impatient road rager. And buckle up! Vehicle crashes do not discriminate whose lives are taken, from days old to decades old, and when lives are lost in those crashes, it haunts those involved and those affected into eternity. Ive seen my fair share of lives lost on the highway, all of which could have been prevented!! Most of us cant say that weve never allowed ourselves to drive distracted. Starting now, I promise myself, my loved ones, and all that travel the highway that I will be a responsible driver. How about you?
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 13:42:18 +0000

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