If you donate a couple of dollars here and there when out to good - TopicsExpress


If you donate a couple of dollars here and there when out to good causes but would love to be in a position to donate $10,000 to the charity of your choice as easily but dont know how.. read this story. My goal is to be able to do exactly this in eighteen months time. If you want to know how read this story I have to share this story. Last night we attended my Daughters School auction which turned out to be very successful and a lot of fun. This is what got my attention. In the program there was a list of sponsors. One got my attention because he had donated $25,000 and his wife was a co-chair of the auction. They were at the table next to us and it was very easy to observe the happenings. They were very active throughout, bidding and winning several items. Toward the end of the Auction they had a special Fund Raising to improve all aspects of the technology and Engineering dept. This is an all girls school and the US is falling behind in our education of engineers especially female. The auctioneer wanted donations starting at $10,000 down to $100.This gentleman and another person put their paddle up at the $10,000 level. WOW. Most people were at the $500 level. Driving home I was very interested in finding out more about this very altruistic and very generous couple. This is a private school in Bethesda Md. ,a very affluent area loaded with Doctors (home of NIH), Lawyers, high paid Lobbyist,etc. Guess how he made his fortune? Network Marketing . He was one of the top people in a company starting with the letter E. Wouldnt it be nice to be able to do what this wonderful couple did last night.He outgave Everybody there. Start taking action today. We are in a great Industry and with a great company. btw The school has a major financial assistance program for the less privileged as a result of these kind of events, raising over $200,000 last night
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 19:51:23 +0000

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