If you fail to prepare, prepare to fail! Many of us have big - TopicsExpress


If you fail to prepare, prepare to fail! Many of us have big dreams and desires to become the best chef, the best interior designer, the best hair stylist, Makeup artist etc. But What are you doing to bring yourself closer to accomplishing this dream? You may have a natural ability in a particular area but this is never where you want to remain. Even though you are not moving, Time is!!!! I said to a friend yesterday your giftings will take you before kings.... Opportunities begin to come your way naturally when you start developing yourself. A very strange thing naturally happens when you decide to take the gift God gave you naturally and enhance it.... You get discovered when you least expect is but the beautiful part is YOU ARE PREPARED The worse thing is to be discovered when youre unprepared, you make a mess of that opportunity and never reach the distance God intended for you! The very first time my pastor asked me to preach, I was prepared because Im always researching the word of God, listening to the word of God being preached by various pastors while developing my own strengths... I always say there is strength/ power/money/ Growth is Niches. In preparing, never prepare to be like someone else, thats cheating yourself of becoming the best You! The world doesnt need another Einstein, it needs to the see giftings of Kim, Sharon, Arlene, Renee.... Lets get up and make a mark on this world honies! Laziness, casual living, half hearted efforts never got a famous, accomplished, Trail blazer where they are today! Know what is you passion, strength, gift and work on that... Stop developing a passion for something that has nothing to do with what you are actually GREAT AT. In all your getting, get Godly wisdom
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 12:55:23 +0000

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