If you follow my blogs, I will assume that some of you have - TopicsExpress


If you follow my blogs, I will assume that some of you have watched at least a portion of the show “Doomsday Preppers”. Personally I think that most of the preppers who go on the show are not only out of their minds for doing so, but also,… by a wide margin,… many are about as clueless as they can be or are so over the top that one must question if they ate paint off walls as children. That being said, one can get some good ideas from time to time. However,… last night was gem of a show! Up until last night, the featured “preppers” were all about storing supplies and taking the precautions that they see needed based on their vision of what may or is to come. Last night, the show featured the one of the biggest reasons to take the issue of security and defensive posture seriously. If no one saw this last night, it featured this disgusting, bloated, nasty “man-pig” and his family with the sole reason to exist being to feed off others in the event of a crisis. He makes no bones about the fact that he plans to raid the caches of those who as he put it “put all their time into collecting and storing supplies so he can take it from you”. Even though there were time that I suspect that he was made up (created by the producers) to simply enhance the show,… have no illusions that such bottom-feeding pieces of human excrement do exist. In numbers far greater than you might imagine. Assuming that he was for real, this turd-puppet has only a plan to take what he can from whoever allows him to do so. His idiot clan of troglodytes showed their abilities to crash defenses, homes and to terrorize those that cannot defend themselves or those caught off-guard. As I watched this, it was hard to take him seriously simply because of the way he approached his plan and the make shift devices he made up. His level of intelligence was so below that of roughly standard educated human that a paramecium look liked a viable option for engaging conversation. It was laughable and at times, hard to watch with a straight face. In spite of that,… I think the show performed a great service to anyone who is planning for a crisis. The reality is that parasitic people do exist and in direct opposed to those planning to be able to sustain, they are planning to do exactly what he and his gaggle of human sludge claim to. Take with force what you have worked to gather. To wrap up, although this particular “apex predator” as he called himself will not last past the first person with any degree implemented defensive training, make no mistake that they are out there preparing just as we are. Combine the reality of fear, hunger and desperation ( and you cannot ignore those with the simplicity e evil and you will have a formidable adversary. One last though regarding the “apex predator” from the show, I have no doubt that due to the his network broadcast debut last night,… I guarantee that someone around him in his neighborhood with no more than moderate level marksmanship will be watching this “jabba” punk. When the “Predator” leaves his lair,… he’ll be dumped!
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 02:38:21 +0000

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