If you give a mom 3 toilets to scrub, shell want to wash the - TopicsExpress


If you give a mom 3 toilets to scrub, shell want to wash the towels. When she goes to wash the towels, shell want to change the sheets. When she goes to change the sheets, shell notice oldest child did not hang his shirts up. When she hangs his shirts, shell make his bed. When she makes his bed, she thinks about making all the beds. When she goes into middle childs room, she notices he has created an entire house of rooms out of cardboard boxes and duct tape decor and does not have the heart to discard them. So she leaves defeated. When she goes into youngest childs room, she realizes he has enough clothes for all the children in a third world nation. When she walks out defeated, she sits on the couch. When she sits on the couch to drink her lemon water (because everyone on FB seems to be drinking lemon water), she realizes she cant sit there all afternoon. She cant sit there all afternoon because theres play rehearsal and a hockey game and the man of the house conveniently has a zoning board meeting and will not be available for chauffering until 11 pm pick up at said play rehearsal. If you give a mom 3 toilets to scrub, she really hopes theyll stay clean til morning. (Take that Gwenth Paltrow, you need a reality check)
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 15:30:01 +0000

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