If you have a child that has ADD or ADHD you need to read this! - TopicsExpress


If you have a child that has ADD or ADHD you need to read this! This is a MUST READ from our freedom team member Melanie Mae Byron !! So this is a sweet story of a third grader in my class. Gavin is a very sweet guy that I have been worried about all year. He struggles to pay attention, follow directions, and participate. Just about every time I looked at Gavin, he was looking off into sapce, around the room, or at something in his hands, or the speck of mud on his shoe. When Id roam the room to work with student it was always the same, Gavin, honey, where is your paper? What is your job right now? Were all writing/reading/etc. I didnt know how to reach him. Day after day, with 31 kiddos in my class, I do a full on dog and pony show to engage them in what I think is pretty darn important! So it turns out that Gavins mom ordered Plexus from me at the beginning of the year. Around October, one day we were talking about Plexus testimonial stories that made us cry, and she asked, Do you think I should start Gavin on the pink drink? Cant hurt, I told her, but dont tell me if/when you do. I want a blind testimony. Well the year went on, and despite pulling every trick from my sleeve, I was at a loss with teaching success with Gavin. Well…one day just a few weeks ago, as I wan teaching a lesson on suffixes, I noticed Gavin staring at me. I was completely freaking out every time I caught his glance, worried terribly about the marker or booger that was probably on my face, causing him to track me. When I dismissed the kids to recess I ran to the closest mirror to check my face only to find no reason for Gavins unusual stare. Well, the rest of the day I enjoyed a new Gavin in the room; one that wrote on his paper, listened to the lesson, raised his hand to participate, AND had the correct answers when he did! I truly thought his parents may have taken away every toy and video game to get him to change his effort. I wrote a note to mom, complimenting him on such an amazing day. She replied later that night with a text: Thank you so much! I started him on the pink drink yesterday. I think Ill keep him on it. Let me know how it goes! The days since have been so different. I can see him learning, trying, working. One day he did come in seeming distant, unable to work, focus, follow directions, participate. I texted mom at recess, and she confirmed that since she was up sick all night, she had forgotten his pink drink. She makes sure that hasnt happened since. And as if this story isnt good enough already…Gavins mom, Dina, helps watch a friends children. One of which is severely ADHD and medicated. With the meds, even, it is always difficult. Dina is patient, takes a moment to count to ten, reminding herself that it isnt his fault, though it is still so difficult. Last week the children were dropped off, and Dina panicked when she realized the meds were forgotten. Hmm…pink drink… she thought. So she did. Pink drinks were served! Well, her story of that day gave me goosebumps all over. She said their usually difficult friend was incredibly better on Plexus than when he was on his meds! Well, this Plexus world geeps growing and getting better, and so I guess this part here is as good as any to welcome my newest Ambassador, Gavins mommy, Dina Leafdale Perez!! Dina, thank you SO MUCH for letting me share Gavs story!! Your passion for helping others will bless you a million times over
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 18:59:46 +0000

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