If you have read Talking Toxicology or heard me speak, you know - TopicsExpress


If you have read Talking Toxicology or heard me speak, you know that most toxic chemicals are highly fat soluble. The body works to make them more water soluble so that they can be eliminated as part of the natural detoxification process. When the body is overwhelmed with chemicals in our air, water and food, the body produces more fat cells in order to store thos chemicals so that an immediate toxic effect is not experienced. Those chemicals can stay stored in your fat for years. Also, if you have heard me speak, you may have also heard me mention that one of the least efficient ways to eliminate stored toxins and toxicants is through breast feeding - meaning that you are passing this along to your baby. While breast milk is the most perfect meal for babies, contamination of this perfect meal is a global problem. This is why it is vitaly important to use the most efficient methods - nutrition and exercise to eliminate those toxic storage depots, ie fat, PRIOR to getting pregnant! This will give you and your baby the best chance for healthy mom, healthy milk and of course healthy baby! One of you posted a photo of your green colored breast milk and tagged me. She remembered what I said at a past speaking engagement. The #reality was very #alarming to her and her friends. I am including an excerpt from a 2002 Landrigan et al publication (Environ Health Perspect), but if you want more references and proof, conduct a quick internet search for "toxic chemicals in breast milk". You will find many peer reviewed references. This is a global issue, so #share this with everyone that you know! Abstract Excerpt "Human milk is the best source of nutrition for infants. Breast milk contains the optimal balance of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins for developing babies, and it provides a range of benefits for growth, immunity, and development. Unfortunately, breast milk is not pristine. Contamination of human milk is widespread and is the consequence of decades of inadequately controlled pollution of the environment by toxic chemicals. The finding of toxic chemicals in breast milk raises important issues for pediatric practice, for the practice of public health, and for the environmental health research community. It also illuminates gaps in current knowledge including a) insufficient information on the nature and levels of contaminants in breast milk; b) lack of consistent protocols for collecting and analyzing breast milk samples; c) lack of toxicokinetic data; and d) lack of data on health outcomes that may be produced in infants by exposure to chemicals in breast milk...." #knowledge #talkingtoxicology #drnoreen #share #likemypage #engage #proactive #prevention Namaste, Dr. Noreen
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 00:06:40 +0000

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