If you havent already heard, Plexus introduced a new product - TopicsExpress


If you havent already heard, Plexus introduced a new product yesterday that could be quite the one, two punch if you have PCOS. Let me see if I can break this down {sorry for the length, but I am trying to get as much out to lessen questions} How and why would I want to add BLOCK to my daily routine if I have PCOS? **When you have PCOS one of the major factors we all deal with is insulin resistance and that our bodies arent as sensitive to move the sugar out of the blood stream into the cell to be burned as energy. Therefore the sugar gets stored and we gain weight. The domino effect of elevated testosterone brought on my elevated insulin seems endless. Right? We could all right books about it! BLOCK works to reduce the glycemic index of your ingested foods by inhibiting the actions of the two digestive enzymes (amylase and sucrase) in your stomach that are needed to break down complex carbohydrates (starches) into simpler ones in order to be absorbed. The combination of InSea2, which works to lower glucose levels and 7-Keto Ultra, which works by promoting in weight loss by boosting the metabolism. It can be looked at like a sugar and carb blocker. now... theoretically speaking, if lesser amounts of complex carbohydrates are broken down and therefore not absorbed into the bloodstream from the small intestine, then theres a decreased amount of circulating glucose that will either have two things done: 1. be driven into the cell by insulin and used for energy and/or 2. be left unused and later stored as fat (energy for later use) {this came from Johns Pink Drink page- hes in the medical field and a great page to check out) Why would I need both Plexus Slim and BLOCK? **Plexus Slim works by breaking down the sugars before they reach the pancreas to keep a most steady flow of needed insulin, rather than the peaks and valleys we usually experience. BLOCK has worked by inhibiting the coversion of food to sugar in the stomach. So by the time the blood stream reaches the pancreas, the sugars are less. Simpler way to look at it, BLOCK works in the stomach, Slim works by post stomach, pre- pancreas. What is BLOCK derived from? **Derived from two forms of brown seaweed, BLOCK (Insea2) How/When do you take BLOCK? **BLOCK is taken before the two largest meals of the day. So thats up to the individual. Can BLOCK be used with all Plexus products? **Yes. They can be taken with any of your current products you already use from Plexus. #PCOS #plexus #pinkitclaremore #pinkdrink #block #plexusbloc
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 17:31:05 +0000

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