If you live in New Hanover County NC like me I offer this - TopicsExpress


If you live in New Hanover County NC like me I offer this observation- Right after republicans in North Carolina rode a wave of out-of- state secret money to victory in the last election they started their version of change. Still flush with cash and all warm and comfy with promises of more to come, they set out changing the law. I had to almost laugh at one of their first signs of change. They stripped local governments of local control and let their money-to-burn habit of 2,3,4 or more political signs in a row (per candidate) to come off the shoulders and private property and onto public rights of way, medians, intersections, traffic safety easements, and ultimately ditches, creeks and waterways. Then I had my BGO, a Blinding Glimpse of the Obvious. All you have to do this week is look around real well. Except for a few scattered signs and maybe the Sheriffs race, we have a perfect opportunity to see and remember the names we should NOT vote for. These republican followers are not leaders. Not a single one of them had the inclination or courage to stand up for the citizens of this county when the Raleigh republican crowd started swinging hatchets and cutting deep into our states social strata. And local republican leaders are little more than yes men for developers and land barons. Our sewer system doesnt work and water and sewer rates continue to skyrocket. They built it. New government buildings leak. They built them. Our outer loop will NEVER happen because they let their developer buddies build subdivisions on the rights of way. Our neighborhoods face gridlock on substandard streets and highways. The only scenic highway route in the county is now a huge shopping and quasi - residential elephant with streets too narrow for their planned urban development traffic while the scenic highway itself is now just a multi-lane traffic jam with no less than 13 traffic lights. I guess what I mean and am trying to say is those people, those well- funded republican candidates whose names block your vision this week are the very names you should remember to never vote for again. It is time for leaders, not professional politicians and yes men.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 00:53:08 +0000

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