If you suffer from Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Neuropathy, Chronic - TopicsExpress


If you suffer from Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Neuropathy, Chronic Fatigue, Allergies, IBS, you need to read this! Awesome Testimony from Vicki Schwan! January 1, 2013 I am a 51-year-old wife of 25 years and mom of two daughters, age 21 and 18. I have always been active, and relatively healthy with the exception of hypothyroidism, the occasional allergy and sinus issues, and of course the battle with bronchitis a couple of times a year. I THOUGHT that was the norm! The last ten years have taken a toll on my ‘so called’ healthy body. I lost my dad and my husband’s brother within 9 days time. My sister died suddenly. Then I took on a stressful job as the secretary at an elementary school. I loved it, but the stress of the job took a toll on my health. I took care of our home, inside and out, and reared our girls because my husband drives a truck and is only home for a few hours each weekend. After approximately four years at this job I knew I was ready for a break, so I resigned with intentions of helping my 87 year old mom, hoping I would get rested and be back to the hard worker I had always been. After only a few months, my mother passed away suddenly. She was the ROCK OF MY LIFE. I didn’t realize how sick my body had become until this happened. I knew I had no energy to do anything… my body hurt to even walk out in the sunshine. Every inch of my body hurt and ached, on the outside and the inside. I was so depressed; I just went into a total black hole. From there my depression advanced into many, many health issues in the last five years. I pretty much had no life. I never went anywhere unless it was a doctor’s appointment. I became a recluse. After seeing doctor after doctor, I finally found one who admitted that something was definitely wrong with my body, it wasn’t just depression. She diagnosed fibromyalgia. Another pill was prescribed. Another two years rolled by, all the time I was feeling more and more pain, stiffness, lethargy, multiple sinus infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, peripheral neuropathy, high blood pressure AND I was pre-diabetic. I went to a walk-in clinic for ANOTHER sinus infection and this doctor knew immediately that something else was seriously wrong with my body. I had the ‘butterfly rash’ across my cheeks; I walked like a penguin and grunted with pain every time I moved. She started doing blood-work and running tests. In a few days I was referred to a Rheumatologist in Memphis…100 miles from where I live. There I was finally diagnosed with Lupus and Chronic Fatigue. I was told that there is no cure for Lupus and only one medication that might help, along with a weekly infusion for at least 12 weeks. By this point I was so ill that I could not drive myself to Memphis and back for the treatments. Thankfully I had a friend who was very willing to drive me…we did this week after week with very little improvement. Between my endocrinologist, my general practitioner, and my rheumatologist, I have been on so many medicines in the last few years! At the time I was introduced to LIMU in August 2012, I was on 24 medications daily… and I STILL felt awful! I was depressed, gaining weight, had severe sleep issues, constantly in pain, my joints were stiff, and I was so lethargic that I could not get a shower, dry my hair, and apply make up (IF I HAD to go somewhere) without resting a few minutes between each step! Not only could I not do normal household chores, I could no longer get clothes in and out of the washer and dryer anymore. I couldn’t even stand to wash dishes. I had always taken pride in my beautiful yard and flowers…that was my passion, but I couldn’t walk outside in the sun without my body going into an almost immediate ‘flare’ where I would be completely confined to the bed for days with fever, chills, sweats and terrible pain. These were wonderful doctors but they had done all they could to help me feel better. I was often times on a cane and occasionally found myself flat on the floor, thinking what bone is broken this time? Four months ago I received a message from a longtime friend saying, ‘’I think I have found something that will help you.” I read the article and testimonials and just thought, oh great, another ‘feel better juice.’ I thought nothing else of it. After a month my friend contacted me two more times and I finally said, ‘’ok, come on over and tell me about it.’’ She came and brought two other ladies with her, who gave the spiel about the product and their testimonials. I had been involved in MLM before and had no success, so I wasn’t interested in the business side at all! But I did place a small order, thinking I had nothing to lose. I drank it and purposefully let myself run out, not once, but twice, thinking it was just probably psychological that I was feeling better. After the second day of running out the second time, I COULD NOT get off the couch!!! I didn’t realize how much better I had been feeling until I ran out of LIMU original! On my next visit to my Rheumy in Memphis, I DROVE MYSELF! This was two months after being on LIMU Original full time! When I walked in with a smile on my face, no cane, and no one driving me, my doctor didn’t immediately recognize me! SHE WAS TOTALLY AMAZED and couldn’t wait to ask what I was doing! I mean she was expecting me to be in a wheelchair soon, not walking in with a smile and almost pain free! In the meantime, I started my oldest daughter on it, as she had been diagnosed with bi-polar disorder, fibromyalgia, and extremely severe menstrual cycles. It has made a great change in her life and she is now medicine free! The flu is running rampant in Mississippi right now. There are four of us in our home, with two on LIMU and two not on it. The two who were not on LIMU got the full-blown ten-day flu and the other two did NOT! I HAVE LUPUS AND A COMPROMISED IMMUNE SYSTEM! I DID NOT CATCH THE FLU VIRUS! ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! After battling the flu, my youngest, who has severe allergies, has been on LIMU for two months and she is off of two allergy meds and nasal spray, as well as her ADD medicine! She is so excited by LIMU that she has joined MY TEAM! YES, I SAID MY LIMU TEAM! After all the issues I had, I thought I HAVE to tell people what LIMU will do for them! AND the compensation plan isn’t bad either! As of this date I have been able to STOP ten of my medications! My aches and pains have improved so much! My chronic fatigue is drastically reduced, no allergy meds and, best of all, my IBS is gone! My husband is the biggest skeptic ever! After his being down a week with the flu, I insisted he start on LIMU as well. He drives an eighteen-wheeler and stays tired all the time. When he is home on the weekends he is so tired that he never feels like doing anything. After being on LIMU Original for a couple of weeks he tried the Blu Frog. I thought I had a new husband! ☺ It has made all the difference in the world! He is not as tired or grumpy when he gets home! He sleeps better and will not be WITHOUT Original and Blu Frog ever again! UPDATE June 6, 2013 I am completely, totally and forevermore LIMU. In March, I was off of 10 prescription medications and now it’s up to 17 with only a few more to go! I know I was stubborn and just plain hardheaded in the beginning because I had the mentality that if all these doctors with all their knowledge and meds can’t fix me…well then, I guess I can’t be fixed! Ohhhh, how little did I know! I have Lupus, Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, neuropathy, hypothyroidism, allergies and IBS to name most of the disease monsters who want to be my friend. But by drinking 4-6 oz of Original and 1 blu frog daily, I am able to keep these horrible monsters off my back and lead an almost normal life. I pray for a cure for Lupus, but even when that time comes, Limu and I will still be the best of friends. I am Vicki Schwan AND I AM LIMU.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 17:14:30 +0000

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