[If you want to read a good thought on the doctrine of election - TopicsExpress


[If you want to read a good thought on the doctrine of election (The belief that God chooses who will be saved) read this sermon excerpt by John MacArthur. Its lengthy but weighty. I never grasped the reality until today that God doesnt do justice. He IS justice. You will comprehend fully what i mean by that if you choose to read. =) The pervasive notion of these skeptics and critics of this doctrine is that somehow election is unfair. Somehow it is unjust. But first of all, we want to make it very clear that God is not to be measured by our understanding of what is just. We have to be the first to admit that our understanding of virtually everything is somehow warped and twisted and affected by our own sinfulness. In Psalm 50 and verse 21, God said, You thought that I was altogether like you. And certainly He is not. In Isaiah 55 and verse 8, My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, declares the Lord, for as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. And there is the key. God has ways and thoughts that are to us incomprehensible, unresolvable, inscrutable. There is a great benediction in the eleventh chapter of Pauls letter to the Romans in which he says this, verses 33 to 36, O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God. How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways, for who has known the mind of the Lord, or who became His counselor? Who could know how God thinks? Who could be so bold as to tell God how He ought to think? For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to Him be the glory forever. Amen. It is an essential understanding of God that He is holy, that His nature is holy, that He is infinitely and perfectly just, that He is morally flawless and perfect. That He is perfection. Everything in Him and of Him and for Him and from Him and by Him is perfect. And so whatever He says is just is what justice is. What is the rule of Gods justice? What is the principle of Gods justice? What is behind His judgments? What is behind it is His own free will and absolutely nothing else. God makes determinations based upon nothing but His own free will. And whatever it is that He wills is by definition just because He is just. It is just because He wills it. It is not because He sees that it is just that He wills it, it is that He wills it and then it becomes just. William Perkins, a Puritan, says, We must not think that God does a thing because its good and right, but rather the thing is good and right because God does it. The Creator owes nothing to the creature who cannot understand His ways, cannot understand His mind, cannot be His counselor. And anyway, how could God ever be called unjust for choosing to save some cause there are none who deserve to be saved? Salvation never has been a matter of fairness. And yet thats what people say thats not fair, thats not fair. But I dont think you want fair, do you? Election is rooted in pure grace. He is most gracious and it seems that He is most gracious to those to whom grace seems most undeserved. If anyone wants the sermon let me know.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 23:58:58 +0000

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