If you want to read this please try and read it all :) Alright - TopicsExpress


If you want to read this please try and read it all :) Alright so I just thinking to myself and realized I have a lot of people I care about in my life suffering from depression and suicidal thoughts and self esteem issues and I want you all to know Youre literally perfect I see over and over again people I love or care about sad and depressed and hiding away NO You are amazing and I might not be in your shoes but Ive been through some hell and I havent had the worst life or the best one but its been one worth living and I want you to know that there isnt one thing in this world worth your precious life I know this sounds cliché and blahblahblah but guess what?! People wouldnt say it so much if it were a lie. Now some of you will read this and say wow another guy trying to cheer us up well 👏 great effort! No I am not posting this to tell you what you want to hear and no Im not posting this to just talk Im telling you exactly how it is Nobody Nothing Nowhere There isnt a thing on this planet worth taking you away Now you probably look in the mirror and say EW or God my head his big! Or anything of the sort But yea your head might be big or your hair might be a mess today or your eyes might not be as bright as that other girls/guys. But there is someone AND I SWEAR TO EVERYTHING there is someone out there who sees you in the hall and smiles They know you They see you Youre special to them I hate a good sum of myself and Im very self conscious but my friends and family and my loving girlfriend love me and think Im handsome and charming and funny and sweet Thats what everyone deserves Yes we have all done some stupid or mean or ridiculous stuff in life So what We all have people who love and find us to be special and unique and so flawless whether you want to believe it or not Nows your chance to make your mark Dont let anyone tell you your dreams are stupid If you dream of being a dancer THEN YOU PRACTICE UNTIL YOURE HAPPY If someone laughs when you say you wanna be a dancer then they need to quit No dream is too small or too big or too lame or anything Its not what anyone sets as standards Its you You are nobody but yourself and yes we as humans value others opinions much too great In the end all those opinions wont mean crap when you practiced and are now a famous world renowned dancer If you dream of being the manager at Walmart for the rest if your life THEN YOU GO OUT AND YOU TAKE IT You deserve happiness We all do If youve made it to the end of this that makes me happy and I want you to know that I want you to know in the end and I mean this to every last one of my friends list If you feel lost or alone I am one of the most trustworthy people you will meet and many will vouch on that I love you and I really do care and your life and dreams are more special to me than youll ever know I swear I mean this to all of you There was more I wanted to say but I need to get some sleep but know your life is the most important thing and I care I promise ❤
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 05:04:50 +0000

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