If your child woke up today, took him or herself to the bathroom, - TopicsExpress


If your child woke up today, took him or herself to the bathroom, ate a bowl of cereal and said, hey Mom (or dad) - then close your eyes for a second and say a prayer of gratitude. October seems to be everything awareness month. Have a seat..Im going to write a short novel here and I beg that you stay with me. This is my friend Elizabeth. Ive known this beautiful woman since middle school and I have the amazing good fortune of working alongside her each week for a few hours in our old age (ha ha). Until youve met Liz, you have not understood the meaning of selfless. Liz has a 26-year old daughter named Tiffani...and Tiffiani has Rett Syndrome. Tiffani is unable to walk, talk, feed herself or the other simple daily human activities we do for ourselves and take for granted. But look at her beautiful smile....she loves her momma! Liz is a single mom with two other boys (now older but still at home with her) besides Tiff. In addition to working full time she has the added task of caring for Tiffani and her needs. She never gets a break at the end of the day to come home, drink a glass of wine, and chill out in front of the TV for awhile. By the time she has fed, bathed and loved on her 26 year old daughter, she is physically and mentally spent. BUT....and man oh man do I emphasize the BUT...she is NEVER without a smile or a kind word to say. I love her so much.....and so now I come to the main point of my story (I hope youve stuck with me this far.) Do my friend the honor by simply making yourself AWARE of what Rett Syndrome is. (Visit https://rettsyndrome.org/ and poke around a little) Chances are you never knew it even existed. Maybe take a break from the pink for just a few minutes and show some love to the lesser-known purple ribbon to honor those who live with Rett Syndrome...and the people who care for them everyday. Share this post on your wall so others can become aware as well. Awareness bring knowledge...knowledge brings understanding and maybe our concentrated awareness may someday bring.....a CURE. Thank you for reading.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 18:40:18 +0000

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