If youre bringing someone home for Thanksgiving for the first - TopicsExpress


If youre bringing someone home for Thanksgiving for the first time, things can get awkward FAST. Here are six tips for how to get through it as painlessly as possible . . . 1. Communicate. Tell your boyfriend or girlfriend ahead of time how everyone your family is going to react. Like, if you KNOW your grandfather is going to say something inappropriate, itll make it less awkward if they know that going in. 2. Discuss Any Topics That Are Off-Limits. Obviously its good to avoid politics and religion. But if there are any other hot-button issues, let them know BEFORE they put their foot in their mouth. 3. Get on the Same Page. Especially with your how we met story. If you told your mom you met at a museum when you really met at a bar, your date should know. 4. Bring Something. If youre not cooking dinner, bring a bottle of wine or a dessert. Itll give your family something to focus on, and itll help break the ice. 5. Dont Apologize. Dont apologize to your date about your crazy family, or to your family for your date. Theyre part of you, and everyone should respect that. 6. Relax. Spending holidays with each others families can be stressful, so the best thing both of you can do is relax. If youre nervous, youre just going to make everyone ELSE nervous, and thats when things get REALLY awkward.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 12:19:29 +0000

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