If youve been an active supporter of gun rights, youve probably - TopicsExpress


If youve been an active supporter of gun rights, youve probably grown accustomed to the fact that the mainstream media will shamelessly omit facts, and even outright lie, when it comes to gun politics, in order to suit the agenda. Here is just one example: Recently, CBS covered the story where a pro-gun group did a simulation of the Charlie Hebdo shooting [1], but with the twist of one the would-be victims having a concealed handgun. The MSM correctly points out that, one regular person with a concealed handgun is no match for two highly trained and well-armed assailants; they failed miserably at stopping the attack. However, as we can see in the analysis from the source [2], the crucial point that is left out is that most of the defenders were able to take out one of the terrorists, and defenders who used their gun to hold back the terrorists to allow their cohorts to escape were met with moderate success. This story was also covered by The Guardian, The Daily Mail, Raw Story, and Vice. [3][4][5][6] Of all of these outlets, only Vice mentioned that, most of the time, one terrorist was killed. Further, the CBS article, in the first sentence, they imply that this simulation can be generalized to any mass shooting. However, this runs completely contrary to not only the common sense that very different attacks produce different results, but the actual data. The same pro-gun group that did the Charlie Hebdo simulation also did one on a school shooting scenario in wake of the Sandy Hook Massacre [7]. In fact, at the end of The Guardians article, they even mention that the gun group has done simulations for school shootings (but does not provide the link that took me 30 seconds to find). TL;DR, with a shooter that was an active military serviceman, the school shooting simulation found the following: -An armed guard behind a desk with no specific warning was, on average, ineffective at stopping the shooter. -An armed teacher with no specific training, and no specific warning was, on average, moderately effective at stopping the shooter, depending on experience of the mock teacher. -An armed teacher with no specific training and 15 seconds of warning (as has been typical in these sorts of incidents) was, on average, extremely effective in stopping the shooter. Now, keep in mind that this sim was done in the wake of Sandy Hook, where the gun control debate was at its peak. So, since the MSM reported on the timely simulation for the Charlie Hebdo shooting, surely they would have reported on the timely Sandy Hook simulation. Wrong. Not a single MSM, that I am aware of, covered this sim. -Themanclaw sources: [1]dfw.cbslocal/2015/01/13/gun-owners-participate-in-simulation-of-paris-massacre/ [2]thetruthaboutguns/2015/01/foghorn/ttag-charly-hebdo-simulation-preliminary-results/ [3]https://archive.today/IByTj [4]dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2909827/Texas-pro-gun-group-enact-Paris-attacks-time-armed-victim-able-prevent-massacre.html [5]https://archive.today/46UgA [6]https://archive.today/sEUEy [7]thetruthaboutguns/2013/01/foghorn/ttag-simulated-school-shooting-experiment-results-and-analysis/
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 03:10:30 +0000

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