If youve ever felt alone and isolated in your life...know that God - TopicsExpress


If youve ever felt alone and isolated in your life...know that God is there. When it seems like friends and loved ones are strangers...and maybe no one seems to care...He cares. When it seems like at every turn comes another fight and you have no strength to make a stand...hold on, He will carry you for the battle is His. When your tears seem to flow in silent lonely falls...He catches every one and stores them in a bottle! (Psalm 56:8) God doesnt stop us from hurting. He gives us grace to overcome. Grace is not a license to continue in sin, as is a popular teaching of late...God forbid we continue in sin, but Grace is the Divine Influence of God and the reflection in our lives as result of His inspiration. This is why God says to Paul when he asks for his thorn to be removed, My Grace is sufficient for you. Sometimes when it seems unbearable...look for His divine inspiration in your life. God just might be speaking to you in the middle of your storm. For if we knew no pain how would we know great triumph? If we are not tried how then can we know Faith! Faith is not a belief in being able to obtain wealth, health, provision, or any other thing...but Faith is the assurance that when we cant see how victory is attainable we stand on the promise of our Lord Jesus Christ and having done all we know to do...stand on that Faith that He is our deliverer. He is our Strong tower and fortress to which we can run!! Having said all that...I wanted to say this; know that youre not alone. For On The Other Side of This theres a mountain you can stand on...theres a promise you can count on...one of peace and joy and love with Mercys kiss...you will find yourself On The Other Side of This!
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 04:14:30 +0000

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