If you’re joining us in reading through Isaiah and Jeremiah - TopicsExpress


If you’re joining us in reading through Isaiah and Jeremiah today’s reading is Jeremiah 25:12-38 and the devotion is taken from 25:32-33. This is what the LORD Almighty says: “Look! Disaster is spreading from nation to nation; a mighty storm is rising from the ends of the earth.” At that time those slain by the LORD will be everywhere—from one end of the earth to the other. They will not be mourned or gathered up or buried, but will be like dung lying on the ground. Jeremiah has now switched from talking about judgment for Judah to the judgment of the world. The world is in a precarious place. The people have ignored God’s message and now he is going to judge the entire world. A few years back Hal Lindsay wrote a book called the Late Great Planet Earth. In it he outlined what he believed was going to be going on during the time just before and during the tribulation period. He made some radical statements about the military equipment that was to be used and of the devastation to come. Many people took him very seriously. Jeremiah’s warnings were probably taken very seriously by some and not taken very seriously by others. Jeremiah has moved from a prediction of destruction for Judah to a prediction of utter destruction in the entire world. He’s given a picture of the world being like a pasture full of cow dung laying on the ground. You might think that this is an impossible picture. However, I challenge you to look at some pictures of the concentration camps in World War II. It is there that bodies were just laying around. In one particular camp at Bergen Belsen in northern Germany you will see hills throughout the camp. These hills are unnatural. They were made by the stacking of bodies of the victims of that camp. Today, these hills are covered with green grass and as you stand there looking at them you cannot possibly imagine the horror that is in them. The bodies were strewn as dung heaps across the ground. That is what it is going to be like when God judges the world. Where will you be? Will you be with him or will you be part of the pile?
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 10:00:00 +0000

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