Ill be honest, Im getting bored of not posting on here since this - TopicsExpress


Ill be honest, Im getting bored of not posting on here since this incident happened. And just for the heads up, no; its not fixed yet. I still need more time so that I can hopefully get everything up and running smoothly again. But even though there wont be any uploads on my Youtube channel until this is all resolved (for the sake of not losing my account, even if the chances are lower at this point; I dont like risks) I am going to pick up where I left off on here and catch up on posting about the releases that have already passed and are coming up. So I apologize for any amount of spam that may cause because there have been quite a few releases since my absence began. Ill try to space them out a bit so that the people with get notifications enabled dont get too overwhelmed. Just please dont pester around asking when Im going to upload any of these releases. You will know when Im able to upload again, trust me. I dont intend on just spontaneously coming back like nothing happened. It just may be extra slow whenever Im able to get back up on my feet and start to get things moving again. But I assure you that the end is not near; Im not the type to give up -that- easily. On a side note, I apologize for any poor sentence structure, I dont really feel like being all professional-like. Ive always felt uncomfortable in professional scenarios, so I like to just try to be myself in what I type hoping that Im able to create a more relaxing and calm environment around me. (Im weird, but thats okay.) SHORT STORY SHORT (For all you tl;dr people) Im going to post releases on this page just like old times once again, but I will not be uploading anything on Youtube until further notice. Got it? Good.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:01:52 +0000

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