Ill share My Testimony I gave yesterday at church with yall This - TopicsExpress


Ill share My Testimony I gave yesterday at church with yall This morning Since im Woke. 2points- Im better than I Use to be and HE WILL DRAW YOU. Part:1 I was raised by a lil ol 70yr old woman That was FAITHFUL TO GOD and Church whom I called mama. I remember as a Young kid running in and out of her house asking can I go to my friends house. She would say: Yes Mickey...I was about 10 yrs old and I ran in the house and said: Mama can I go to friends house?..She said: Mickey, You dont have friends, you have Associates. Ill take you to ya friend house Tomr. (Remind u Tomr is Sunday..Church).Didnt Understand it then but keep this story in mind. Part2 Anyways when I was in my 20s I was Clubbing hard. Drinking, Had a different nigga on my arm just about Every weekend. In the club with Bullets Flying over my head while I just stood there like it was normal. Seen people get stabbed, killed etc right in front of my eyes. (It couldve been me)..Life was Great Though to me. I had money every weekend. Hair was done, new outfit Every weekend. Not a WORRY in the World..This went on for Years. Part3 I believe I was 28 I got pregnant and 4months in to the pregnancy the dr told me that my baby had a disease called chromosomes 18. Her chances of living after birth was 80/20 20 being the percent of survival. I was in shock and denial. Im saying to myself: this some Lifetime movie Network bs. This cant happen!...This is when I started talking to God but listen to how I was talking. I said:God if Youre Real You want let this happen. People telling me: Let God have His WILL...Im like: Nahhh cause if His Will is to take my Babys Life , I dont Want that. I had my baby Girl and she lived for 16 secs....... I wasnt Depressed , I was ANGRY! I was Angry at the World...I wanted an Answer and the Question was WHY??!! My babydaddy didnt have the Answer..The Gin Bottle didnt have a Answer..The Club didnt have A Answer.. I was so Angry with God but I Knew in my Heart for Some strange Reason He would have an Answer. I went to Church that Sunday (Remind You I hadnt been to Church in Years cause my Life was so Great and I hadnt THOUGHT about the Lord) but That Day...I needed an Answer. I went to the front of the Church and Cried my Eyes out, nobody knew what for..My Pastor said Nobody needed to know but the Lord. I didnt get my Answer right then or the next Sunday or the next Sunday but I kept going to Church cause I knew one day it would come. HE answered me maybe a Year or So Later and Said : I DREW YOU TO ME...I GOT YOUR ATTENTION..YOU WHERE ON A PATH OF DESTRUCTION..YOU HAVE A PURPOSE IN LIFE. (See I wasnt coming No Time soon to SERVE THE LORD) I had Cars, house , Material stuff and I thought I was Living... You havent Started Living Until You start Serving the LORD.. YES times get Hard and Storms Come but Oh What A FRIEND WE HAVE JESUS.. My friend at Church sings 2 songs that Touch my heart everytime I hear em. One says: You dont know My Story And all the Pain that ive been Through Youll never Understand My Praise So dont try to figure it out..Because my Worship is FORREAL! AND SO Sorry , Ive Fallen Short of Your Word, Still YOU BLESSED ME ANYWAYS!!.. (I MISSED A FEW parts but You understand) I Pray God Never has to CALL any of YOU TO HIM the way He did me. So Go Running To HIM. HES A GREAT GOD!...
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 12:57:42 +0000

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