Ill start by saying Im not top notch when it comes to politics and - TopicsExpress


Ill start by saying Im not top notch when it comes to politics and economics. But I like to think Im a bit on the creative side and I have good intentions. With that said, can we focus on our rich Indiana history? We have a lot of attractions that would bring in tourists. Which would obviously generate money and the money coming in wouldnt all lie on the residents of Hgtn Co. We have the Erie Canal/Forks of the Wabash that could expand and be made into something historically amazing and interesting. We have Lake Clare that could be used for camping and water sports events. We have the river that can be cleaned up and used as well. Is the wooden paddle factory still in operation? If so, maybe they could be encouraged to do factory tours. There are a lot of opportunities here. There are groups that take 50+ yo folks on tour buses to different locations to site see and tour. Why couldnt Huntington be one of those locations? There are many groups in the city/county that could be used as volunteers. Youth groups, church groups, American Legions, VFW, The Moose and many more. All of these places are usually willing to help out where needed and even help to raise money. We have a load of retirees at the hospital who volunteer so when things get up and running Im sure the same age group would step in and help run things. As long as things are kept positive and clean. I know it will take money and time. But slow and steady. One thing at a time. Fundraisers and grants are always options too. Maybe Im living in a fairytale world but I really think we could do some of these things.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 14:44:11 +0000

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