Ill start this out by saying, “Governments, should fear their - TopicsExpress


Ill start this out by saying, “Governments, should fear their people, not the other way around.” A government is created to govern but not control a populace. Its power is derived from the people who have elected them to help create, facilitate a vote and if approved by the people and its representatives, enforce that law. However some governments reach a level of impunity, mostly due to the inactivity of its people and an uncertain amount of corruption in due process. We, as citizens, need to hold our leaders and representatives accountable for any corruption, unlawful and/or wrongful actions. We have the right, it is a basic right and it is a just right. If we do not act, if we stand Idly by, our government will overstep its bounds and trample our rights as easily as it does our enemies. We as citizens of a country founded upon the belief that all men are created equal, no man is found guilty until proven so and all belief systems are accepted. Yet I have seen, too many times of late, these rights stepped upon. Its time to stand up and speak out for our rights, for our friends and family, for our fellow citizens. I do not want to see acts of violence. What I want to see is our leaders standing before us, apologizing for the crimes and transgressions against those they were meant to represent and protect, against the people of this world that we call home. World leaders need to understand a concept, one that I believe is as true today as it was hundreds of years ago. The people make the government, the people give them their power. Do not think that I am against the military or the government. I am very much a patriot, a true believer in what this country is supposed to stand for. I see the military, the police and all the citizens of this country as my brothers and sisters. I mean well in writing this, I hope this will help to open some eyes. I hope that it opens more than just the eyes of my fellow citizens, but also those of our leaders and those of the world leaders. Violence is a non-action. Killing simply gets rid of a man, not his beliefs and/or dreams. We need to change our selves in order to change others. David Europa
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 03:20:05 +0000

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