Im amazed at how supporters of Israeli government against Gaza are - TopicsExpress


Im amazed at how supporters of Israeli government against Gaza are surprised as to why people are calling Israel govt a Nazi or guilty of ethnic cleansing. I mean, really? After almost 2000 people died, thousands of buildings destroyed, you still dont have any idea what is wrong with Israel government??! Alright, let me give you some clue... 1. This is how IDF treat Palestinians in Westbank. All of Ramallah is a jungle. There are monkeys, dogs and gorillas.... We are humans. They are animals. They are not humans. We are. Thats the difference... -IDF soldier https://facebook/photo.php?v=694525737305220 2. This is how IDF bomb places in Gaza like playing video games. https://facebook/photo.php?v=632881363497555 3. One of Israeli lawmakers, Ayelet Shaked, said that all Palestinian mothers must be killed and called Palestinian children as little snakes. presstv/detail/2014/07/16/371556/israel-must-kill-all-palestinian-mothers/&cd=20&ved=0CI4BEBYwEw&usg=AFQjCNHC9eO5hk9n55OjYabbMvSbz8BqEg 4. Another Israeli leader, Moshe Feiglin, called for the extermination in Gaza and claimed that Gaza is part of Israel land and therefore should be part of Israel jewish state. 5. Some Israelis were seen clapping as bombs explode in Gaza and some called Gaza as a graveyard and chanted Death to Arabs. theguardian/world/2014/jul/20/israelis-cheer-gaza-bombing 6. Ex-pilot of Israeli Air Force, Yonatan Shapira, had admitted that there is a so-called Death zone where in if anyone gets close to defense, he will get shot to death. He also admitted treating Palestinians as animals. https://m.facebook/ExposingTheTruth/posts/300286920072123 7. Another ex-israeli soldier, Efran Efrati, has exposed truth about their operations. You take the kid, you blindfold him, you handcuff him, hes really shaking... Sometimes you cuff his legs too. Sometimes it cuts off the circulation. m.dailykos/story/2009/08/09/764103/--Breaking-the-Silence-being-silenced 8. IDF is using white phosphorus. They also used it during 2009 war between Hamas and them. presstv/detail/2014/07/21/372175/israel-using-ussupplied-cw-in-gaza/ 9. Israel bombed 4 kids playing at a beach and still hasnt offered a decent explanation yet. If this is not yet evidences of how barbaric the Israeli government is, then I dont know what barbaric means anymore. Shocking Clip: Israeli Checkpoint Cruelty
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 21:20:35 +0000

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