Im bawling my eyes out right now. Bawling because last night, with - TopicsExpress


Im bawling my eyes out right now. Bawling because last night, with the help of my own intelligent and wonderful Black Man, Kevin Kwiz Ryan , I had to sit my 9-year-old son down and talk to him (in an uncensored fashion) about what the hell is wrong with this country. Last night, I had to teach my son a NEW concept. A New Math that doesnt quite add up, but hes gotta know it anyway. An alternate way of thinking that, while unfair, must be apart of his arsenal as he grows up as a Black man in this world; ESPECIALLY America. I had to teach him, sometimes, NOT to trust. I had to teach him how, sometimes, he SHOULD be paranoid. How to look over his shoulder and do nothing to cause attention to himself so he wouldnt be targeted. I had to teach him to be a “good boy; not only the good boy that washes dishes and cleans his room, but the one who doesnt talk back TOO much - even if he’s right - as it may bring harm to him. I had to SHOW him what happened to Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner and Mike Brown. And I had to break his heart by telling him that, despite ALL this, it MAY not even matter. Hell no, its not RIGHT... but its REAL! In the midst of doing this, I see post after post talking about “black on black” crime. And every time I see that… at least right now, it pisses me off. I have a lot of friends and followers of many cultures; those whom I know, love and respect, who are fighting this fight with us and who I know will see this post. But I have to get this out. Pardon me, my “non-Black” family and friends, while we have an “in-house discussion. Is “black on black” crime, by definition, real?? YES. Is it the matter at hand right now?? Hell no. But, since we are airing out the “family (as in Black folk) business”, let’s discuss how we appear to be the only race that beat up our own and point out our OWN flaws when someone else harms us.... publicly, at that. We are the only race I’ve seen that will allow a “few apples to spoil the “bunch. We are the only ones who will invalidate our own cries for justice by deducting that, because of what we do, we deserve it or otherwise don’t have a right to say anything. That slave mentality is still flowing through our blood. Ive never heard a white or hispanic person say someone was a disgrace to their race. But we do that. We do it publicly. And we do it mercilessly to our OWN, even when it has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the matter at hand. POLICE ARE CELEBRATING OPEN SEASON ON BLACK MEN!! PERIOD! Its sad. Its really sad. And turning that nonsense back on ourselves and connecting it to INTRAracial crimes is akin to blaming a woman for her own rape because she had a nice body and a short skirt. “Maybe if she had on a longer skirt and looser clothing, she wouldn’t be raped”, you say?? NAH! She shouldn’t have been raped!! What was done to Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown, Emmett Till, Jordan Davis, Tamir Rice, Kimani Gray, Kendrec McDade, John Crawford, Amadou Diallo, Sean Bell, Oscar Grant, Timothy Russell, Ezell Ford, Dante Parker and SO SOO many more has NOTHING to do with Black on Black” crime. And to think it does, proves that racial relations in America has caused tragic, and seemingly unescapable damage to our race; not only to our physical selves, but mentally; MORE mentally, than physically. The very black on black” epidemic we claim to be so outraged about (that has declined dramatically in recent year, but who wants to bring that up) is systematic and full of propaganda all on its on. Did you know there is white on white crime, as well?? And hispanic on hispanic crime?? Jew on Jew crime??? Women on Women??? Men on Men??? Gang on Gang? Above all, POOR ON POOR!! Add poverty to the equation of the aforementioned and you will see escalated levels of crime. And who suffers from the most extreme degrees of poverty in America - most chronically and consistently??? I’ll wait. The “system” has mucked us up. Oh… but guess what?? When we kill each other, “justice” is “SERVED”. America has been serving “Justice” on our Black tails like Thanksgiving Dinner. But when one of them” kills US?? Not even worthy of a trial. So, we need to STOP jumping up on here and bringing “black on black” crime to THIS racial and unjustifiable conversation. There is a time and place for ALL discussions. This is NOT the time to take a White man’s crime to beat up on the Black man. THIS time needs to be focused on standing together, loving up and fighting for our Black men and babies, and taking an aggressive stance against the police brutality that plagues our RACE… for which justice is NOT being served. MOST crimes are INTRAracial (meaning, within its own race). Look it up. Did White folk jump on social media and shame their race when Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols killed 168 people in Oklahoma?? How about when Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed the children at Columbine?? How about when Adam Lanza killed black and white babies at Sandy Hook?? Or Jaylen Fryberg who killed his kins and friends at Marysville-Pilchuck High School?? That was WHITE ON WHITE/NATIVE AMERICAN ON NATIVE AMERICAN CRIME. But who called it that?? NO ONE. At the end of the day, KILLING ANYONE is a CRIME and the VICTIM deserves JUSTICE. But we don’t get none. So if we want the good white folk to stop blaming what’s happening to us right now on “black on black” crime (as Rudolph Guliani did a few days ago), WE have to stop taking platforms like this to do it first. We SHOULD be outraged by killings… not because the person who committed the crime is Black, but people because the person who committed the crime is a MURDERER.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 15:46:25 +0000

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