Im excited Ira Glass is bringing This American Life to the BBC, - TopicsExpress


Im excited Ira Glass is bringing This American Life to the BBC, and I hope people here dont automatically discredit it and reject it based on its title. It is, BY FAR, the BEST radio show to come out of anyplace, EVER. Its on at 11am today: I think its a HUGE mistake for the BBC to begin UK programming with their chosen topic: The Holocaust... Honestly, in the UK, any and all Jewish related themes should be avoided... But, foolishly, Ira and the BBC havent asked my opinion on that. Still, that particular show IS awesome. Check it out. Give it a chance. The programme is about human beings. They do NOT only have programmes about Americans, or American topics, because Ira is NOT even remotely closed-minded. He was just extremely humble when he began his show, and never expected it to become especially successful. He began with extremely local themes, and he wasnt expecting the international appeal and distribution he has earned. So, that was what he named it. Just get over it. Listen to it. Its OK. OH! If you are southern English, why dont you just pretend the programme is called This Life and that Ira Glass is... a Canadian!!!???? TRY THAT!!!! This American Life is about to start airing on British radio for the first time, on Radio 4 Extra. Will it translate?: The name is definitely a marketing problem. I think you can tell we had no intention of being an international show. And theres no one in Britain whos like, ‘You know what I dont get enough of? American culture.’ The shows that the BBC chose are really traditional, documentary with a capital D, we-are-serious-journalist stories. The first one includes a story about the Holocaust, because everybody knows that thats a classy story to put on the radio. They are feeling protective of us, [worrying] that their audience will notice that the tone is different and jauntier and more conversational, and not understand the seriousness of intent underneath it. I appreciate that whoever is programming for the BBC is trying to protect us. Protection... The bullshit has already begun, in the comments sections under the online articles about the show, and on their respective Facebook pages, and even on the BBC homepage, and of course on Twitter... But, thats kinda what Twitter is for: How to tawk shit in 140 characters or less. Here is a fine example: This is a colleague announcement- Oh no. Please. Not more on the US from the BBC. Given the relative emphasis, youd think the Atlantic was twenty two miles wide, and the English Channel three thousand. Umm, yes, and given the ego, youd assume the same... Wow. Ira, if you need back-up in a pub brawl, Im yer gal... Seriously, I got you. (Pulls hair back into a ponytail, removes dangling earrings, dusts off combat boots)
Posted on: Sun, 04 May 2014 06:38:11 +0000

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