Im going to go to the gym today. Just to walk on the treadmill, - TopicsExpress


Im going to go to the gym today. Just to walk on the treadmill, get a massage. Im taking it easy, at least what seems like it to me. Im also mindful that I need to take the best care to keep my strength up. The consensus is in:the reason I have been able rebound so well after surgery is that Ive been concerned enough about my health to, if not consistently, at least never give up on being in shape. Im never in as good a shape as I want to be, but it was good enough to help me thus far. I dont know how to prevent cancer, but there are a lot of diseases we know are preventable and curable with healthy diet, exercise, relaxing, good sleep, laughing and good attitude...I highly recommend doing this if youre not already. It doesnt have to be crazy perfect, either. I lost 60 lbs that time by counting calories and exercising 30 minutes 5 days a week. Well, the exercise requirement was what I was committed to, I got more with hiking, dancing and fun stuff like that. I figured the human body used to be built to do long hours of hard work, I can at least do 30 minutes. Ive kept up on the exercise as best I could, sometimes doing really well, sometimes not. I eat mainly whole foods. I gave up on being a vegetarian a few months ago. Mainly because I was gaining weight from a huge lifestyle change moving to Texas and because to be full and satisfied, I was eating too many carbs in the form of rice, breads, paste, etc. Plus, I am hugely susceptible to sugar and stress eating. As you know, my job is highly stressful. I have ways of dealing with this but when Im there, in the thick of it and that cortisol kicks in...forget it. So, what Im saying is, I struggle, but if I can be in good enough shape to help myself when I need it, so can you. I get it; love it or hate it, this is the only body you have this time around. Ive been fortunate enough to be friends with my body because I know it has held up really well and served me, no matter what Ive done to it, even when I was younger.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 16:05:53 +0000

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