Im not sure how many people here have been on a charter bus - TopicsExpress


Im not sure how many people here have been on a charter bus before. It isnt exactly the same as one of those NFTA buses. Anyways, I thought it would be a good idea to give some charter bus etiquette pointers. If youve got something of your own to add, feel free. 1. Ask permission before seating yourself next to a stranger. They will probably say yes, and its a good way to break the ice. That said, dont be afraid to make a new friend on the trip. 2. If someone has headphones on, or they have their eyes closed, they arent interested in conversation. Dont force them into one. 3. Control your Children. I will personally be fighting this battle to the best of my ability with my daughter, so I expect everyone else to put up a good fight as well. 4. Control your Garbage. I hate when I am on a bus, enjoying my ride, when all of a sudden, someones plastic water bottle rolls under the seats and hits my feet. 5. Keep the walkway clear. If you want to have a conversation with a friend, make sure you take a seat near them, rather than standing in the aisle and blocking it from other folks. Stow as much of your gear as you can. Dont leave any gaming materials in the aisle. 6. Be Mindful of your Volume. If you have music, or a portable video player, use headphones. If you are playing a game with multiple people, we know that you are going to be talking, but please keep it reasonable, and try to avoid loud outbursts. Some people will be trying to sleep on the bus. Im going to try and segregate sleepers from gamers as best as I can, but your consideration will be appreciated. 7. If you are a sleeper, bring some ear plugs. You cant expect perfect silence on a party bus, so do your part. 8. If you are bringing your own food, be mindful of the smells. Try to eat your meals during the meal stops if possible. If you need a snack between stops, aim for something that is relatively odorless, like a granola bar. I sincerely hope I dont have to add body smells to this list. I dont have to bring that up, do I? No? Good. 9. Be on Time! This one is very important. This bus is on a schedule, and if you are the one who is preventing us from maintaining it, then I will make a note of it, and you wont be invited back for future bus rides. If possible, show up early, so you can get a good seat, and have all your luggage stowed before everyone else shows up. 10. Be Courteous. Mind other peoples personal space, dont put your feet on the seat in front of you. Be nice to the driver. All the basic things that fall under common courtesy apply on the bus, just like they do everywhere else in life. And because it is a confined space, they apply even more.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 14:00:41 +0000

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