Im sharing for anyone who might be interested in reading this - TopicsExpress


Im sharing for anyone who might be interested in reading this today. Be Blessed! Choosing….to Remember During decades of visits, to Grammy & Pop-Pop’s house, There have, naturally, been many changes. These are some things I am choosing to remember. I remember certain sights, of Grammy’s house. Her pictures, atop the TV, changed as the family grew. Her twelve grandkids’ graduation photos eventually displayed too. Then, after Pop-Pop passed onto heaven, His picture rested on the table, in the kitchen. When waking up at Grammy’s house, and walking downstairs, She and Pop-Pop would be reading their Bibles, in their matching chairs. And when each visit came too quickly to an end, We’d see them at the door, waving, till we drove around the bend. I remember certain sounds, of Grammy’s house. Her laughter, her singing, and the way she answered the phone… Each held distinct cadence and sounds unique to her alone. Uplifting music and Christian programs came from her radio. And from the tv, Southern Gospel and the Lawrence Welk Show. She was always up for a game of Go Fish, TIc-Tac-Toe, or Old Maid. She loved watching the kids play, as toys on the floor she laid. In recent years, the grand-dogs were welcomed to visit. Their barks, her words, shared carrots, and laughs while wiping off their kisses… I remember certain smells, of Grammy’s house. She enjoyed a variety of flowers, for their scents and beauty, From her lilac bushes, and the gifts of roses, to the Easter lily. Sunday dinner smells would greet us, when we opened the front door. And smells of her baked desserts kept us asking for more. I remember certain tastes, of Grammy’s house. Sugar cereal for breakfast, with milk from glass bottles Cans of Chef Boyardee, barbeque, and her creamy macaroni and cheese Grammy and Pop-Pop would buy us special Easter chocolates. And, each Thanksgiving was made complete with her dish of dried corn. Of her many casseroles, I most loved the one with water chestnuts. Her chocolate cake with peanut butter icing was the best! For reunions, she’d make two kinds of Crystal Light and finger Jello. My two favorites were her orange Jello salad and ice box cookies. Although she is now gone from this earth, the most important things, The things she instilled in us, invested into us, never did change. As long as we choose to remember, these feelings will always remain. We felt unjudged, and unconditionally loved….always! We felt uplifted, by her consistent prayers for us. We felt humbled, because of her selfless, servant’s heart. We felt challenged, as she talked the talk, and walked the walk. We felt inspired, by her baptism and her testimony. We felt remembered, as she’d send cards and letters in the mail. We felt valued, as she’d listen and ask questions about us. We felt encouraged, as she’d cheer us on, through each new endeavor. We felt honored, to be a part of the family of Mae Noll. And, we feel certain, that she is in heaven right now. As we’ve come here today to remember her, to celebrate her life, And to honor her legacy, we cannot help but wonder: How many lives have been touched, Because of her faithful donations to missions and Christian ministries? How many lives have been healed and restored, Because of her faithful prayers of intercession? How many now have a personal relationship with Jesus, Because of her faithfulness in sharing the Good News of God’s love? How many have been changed, and will never be the same, Because of her loving example? A favorite Bible verse, in Joshua 24:15 says, “Choose for yourselves, today, whom you will serve…” She wanted all who came here today, to be reminded of this choice. If we choose to serve God, we’re sure to see her in heaven again one day. Or, we can choose to live for ourselves. I can picture her quoting the rest of that verse, with a determined resolve. It says, “But, as for ME, and MY house, WE will serve the Lord.” Thank You, Lord, for giving her ninety full years of life. And, thank You, for what you saved her from. Written by: Jennifer L. Noll, who was blessed to call her Grammy July 12, 2014
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 16:48:49 +0000

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