Im so overwhelmed by the positive response to my post, thank you - TopicsExpress


Im so overwhelmed by the positive response to my post, thank you everyone from the bottom of my heart. For those who interpreted my post as a name & shame, I can assure you that wasnt the intent. Otherwise I would have bored you with stories of work doctors, hiring solicitors to fight for pro rata, having my illness held against me when applying for 7 ground duty jobs etc etc. All that achieves, is to foster negativity, that then creates a dialogue to the body, that then makes you sick. The Virgin brand is a global brand, & will be around long after Im forgotten. I hold no malice towards Virgin Australia, its a company/entity, not a person. I have & will continue to fly Virgin. Why? Because their staff are amazing & deserve our support to keep them in jobs, & no one person is to blame for what happened to me. Look where it lead me?! The main reason I broke my silence (some of you already knew) on how I left Virgin, was that many lovely folks stop me in the street, & kindly ask me if Ill ever consider returning to flying, sometime in the future. I use to just make a joke & fob the question away, as I was too embarrassed to admit, anxiety & depression got the better of me in my workplace. I then felt like I was lying to myself & lying to all of you by not telling you the full story. I pride myself on being genuine & honest, & Mum has always said, the truth shall set you free. Im choosing to speak up now, because as the new series of Big Brother looms on the horizon, my preverbal 15 minutes of fame, will truly be up, & I wanted to help those suffering with mental illness, while I still had a voice. Im sorry it took so long, but honestly I was scared of possible threats of legal action (silly I know!), the inevitable backlash from Virgin brand loyalists, people making broad assumptions on what sort of employee I might have been, & just the plain old stigma of mental illness! Again, my post was about inspiring people, to what is possible when facing adversity. Not slamming multi national corporations, after all, I work for one! Thank you for all your beautiful messages of support, usually I like & reply to each, but that might be a little tricky! To those that have taken offence to my post, you are by all means entitled to your opinion, & Im very supportive of free speech. I only delete those comments with offensive or crude language, as Im very conscious of my younger followers. For those that need help, speak up, youre definitely not alone! Maybe begin with contacting beyond blue 1300 22 4636
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 09:45:08 +0000

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