Im so totally embarrassed over the mistreatment of our veterans - TopicsExpress


Im so totally embarrassed over the mistreatment of our veterans and active military. I never in my wildest dreams or nightmares ever thought I would live to see this. The despicable, radical chain of command from the White House starting with Obama, ( a totally spoiled brat set on destroying this nation and is succeeding ) through the Attorney General, an anti war activist and racist from his early days in college to now, (nothing changes) and of course, John Kerry, (Jane Fondas marching buddy) running or ruining the State Department. The list goes on and on. World War ll veterans denied access to their own memorial and illegal aliens given full access to the National Mall is again despicable. Harry Reid, (a totally useless POC) has called me an anarchist because of my beliefs. I could get mad but, Sticks and Stones, something I got used to and hardened to as a Police Officer for 25 years. So Harry, (you totally useless POC) call me and my brothers and sisterTea Party members all the names you can conjure up and well keep campaigning against what you and your kind represent. As your employer, Im ordering you and your cohorts to get back to work of the people and stop this posturing, get these National Landmarks opened and people back to work and you and the Brat in the White House show some respect for the men and women veterans and active military folks who provide the very freedom you enjoy and have abused. Praying for our country is needed than ever......
Posted on: Sun, 13 Oct 2013 10:56:22 +0000

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