Im sorry to everyone if this offends you... but let me just - TopicsExpress


Im sorry to everyone if this offends you... but let me just say.... The United States Constitution states that if the government starts being a tyrant to the people that we the people have a right to overthrow said government and start a new one. Well said government is slowing becoming a tyrannous. They are limiting your digital freedom. Your physical freedom. They are imposing ludicrous laws. (for example Obama care) Which forces you to either get health insurance.....or pay fines... THey are steadily trying to take our guns away even though it has been proven (in countries where guns have been taken away) that crime rates can increase drastically from anywhere from 20-50% or more! They are monitoring you. (the NSAs Prism) (NSA stands for National Security Agency) Without YOUR permission. They keep trying to impose (SOPA) (SOPA - Stop Online Piracy Act which basically made copying a recipe for pie online and printing it out severly breaking the law) Even though these laws and laws similar to these have been rejected repeatedly the government will not stop they just draw it back up change the words and the name and try to keep it quite. The new TPP treaty or Trans-Pacific Partnership Treaty has effectively made jailbreaking (also known as unlocking) your phone against the law regardless of this being ruled legal (in the U.S.A at least.) This treaty was so secretive that Congress was basically kept in the dark while this was passed. Then it also turns your ISP (Internet Service Provider) (which is whichever company you pay your internet bill to) to monitor all your traffic without expressly telling you so. Not only can they watch you, what you do, see your passwords. They are legally required to do it by the government so then they have to offload all the data to the government. It has been exposed that over 75% of the internet is monitored. I feel that due to these laws that are being passed are imposing on my rights as an American. That I can safely say America is no longer the Land of the Free and Home of the brave...Its the land of the monitored and home of the restricted. So I think the government should be overthrown and started anew as the peoples rights have been severely violated. Please share this if you agree!
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 02:04:10 +0000

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