Im torn about this article. 1) Our education system is in - TopicsExpress


Im torn about this article. 1) Our education system is in trouble -- especially upper education. Theres a growing distrust in the system. Both from the standpoint that its producing more and more people who are unqualified for any jobs, an over production in fields and an internal we have to get out of this hole, dig faster boys entrenched resistance to the idea academia has dug themselves into a hole by how they do things. 2 ) Calling ending programs anti-intellectualism over looks many other factors, including budget restrictions. There are huge issues about how all the money being poured into education is being spent -- much less pocketed in the form of salaries in upper administration salaries, programs and consulting. 3) Banning books is something that you run into because you have a tireless complaining minority that will show up to meetings, hearings and boards while most everyone else blows them off and goes about other business. Among other things ours is a complaint driven system, and those raising hell at these meetings are heard more than those who dont attend them. 4) Realistically this article has a very liberal spin. Which could make it a oh youre complaining now that what youve pushed for is coming back on you? Which, as emotionally satisfying as it might be to gloat, this is exactly what people who were fighting against the political correctness push have been warning about. The systematized shutting down of any point of view other than what either an organization or mob promotes. This is not free speech, nor is it actually being an intellectual. 5) The article -- like so many other things in the media and social media front - misinterprets the legal ruling to fit the narrative. 6) In telling us what the problem is, the article overlooks that this problem is very systemic and involves many other issues than the authors sacred cows. 7) Fixing this problem is going to take work and input from people other than the ones who created the problem (You cannot resolve significant problems with the same thinking you were at when you created them -- Albert Einstein) So yes, its important to get involved theguardian/commentisfree/2012/may/18/anti-intellectualism-us-book-banning?CMP=share_btn_fb
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 21:48:27 +0000

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