Im up early shouting praises and thanks to the Almighty Father for - TopicsExpress


Im up early shouting praises and thanks to the Almighty Father for what has done and is doing in my grandsons life....a year ago, today on this date, his young little life was turned inside out..he was a month shy of five years old.... Little man, Preston Jr., was rushed to Akrons childrens hospital with unexplained stomach pain so bad...that he was put on a morphine pump....two days later, he was having surgery to repair a lacerated liver, swollen pancreas, and bleeding in his stomach. In the course of 43 days of being in the hospital he had 6 surgeries that resulted in him having a gastric feeding tube...a drainage tube from his bile duct...a heart stint... Colon stint...and a tube through his navel. He also contracted a severe staph infection while in the hospital. He then had to go back in the hospital in the end of April to have his Gall bladder removed and his bile duct redirected into his large intestine. He had already had problems with his skin( severe eczema)... But due to his injuries he cant produce steroids on his own right now so it is so intense he is on a chemo medicine along with a synthetic steroid. He suffers from anxiety and PTSD.. SO he is on prozac...he is allergic to dairy, peanuts, fish, tomatoes, citrus, strawberries, wheat, soy, tree nuts, chocolate, eggs, shrimp, and mild allergy to beef and chicken. Because his immune system was compromised ..he had an asthmatic reaction and is on a breathing regimine for that and his heart rate is too fast and he recently was diagnosed with high blood pressure... I know this post is long but it has been building up inside me for a long time now and so many of you have been praying and words of encouragement and kindness and have shown him and our family so much love that I wanted to share what has really been going on with this very strong And brave little guy.... All of this is due to the fact that on this date last year he was kicked or stomped so hard in his abdomen...he almost died!!!! He has been through so much...even placed in foster care for two months when he was first released from the hospital And when I was given temporary custody in March. My son.. Big Preston and myself were taken through hell by CPS and we had nothing what so ever to do with his abuse...but they didnt know we are warriors and will die fighting for OURS!! LITTLE MAN IS RECOVING BEAUTIFULLY AND HE IS A WALKING, BREATHING TESTAMENT TO GODS. MERCY... GLORY...AND LOVE! HE IS STILL HEALING AND HAS SOME HILLS TO CLIMB BUT HE HAS GOD AND A LOVING, DEVOTED FAMILY, AND MANY GOOD PEOPLE IN HIS LIFE.. So a BIG THANKS to all for your continued prayers and support from my family and my little hero...PRESTON ANDRELL CHAVERS Jr.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 15:17:15 +0000

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