:( Imagine ”Are you excited?” Harry asked you and took your - TopicsExpress


:( Imagine ”Are you excited?” Harry asked you and took your hand in his as you boarded the plane to England. “Yes of course I am.” You said squeezing his hand tightly. You’d been there before but this was the first time you would go there with him. You were nervous though because this was the first time you’d meet his family. “No need to worry Y/N, they’ll love you.” Harry said smiling as if he knew exactly what you thought about. You had you’re seats in first class of course. Harry wanted you to experience the luxuries he was used to. Your seat was right by the window and Harry sat right next to you. “This is captain Edward Smith, I’d like to welcome you to this flight that will take us to Heathrow airport, England. We’re flying a boing 747 today and the weather is perfect I hope you’ll have a great flight. Don’t forget to fasten your seatbelts.” The captains said in a friendly but professional tone. You immediately fasten your seatbelt and leaned back in your seat with your hands holding on to the armrest as tightly as you could. Harry looked at you with a weird expression “are you okay Y/N?” he asked and looked concerned “I’m okay, I’m just a little bit afraid of flying” you said trying your best to sound as calmed as possible “hmm.. a little bit you say? Haha it looks more like a lot.” He said with a dorky grin. “It’s not funny..” you said and looked out the window. The plane was already in movement on its way to the runway. Harry turned your head toward his and kissed your lips. You forgot how to breathe and your arms were already around his body. You heard how people started giggling and your face got red as a tomato. “Haha I think we need to stop this for a while” Harry said and you straightened up in your seat and gave him one more kiss on his soft lips. You both smiled and he took your hand in his as the plane started going faster and faster. You closed your eyes too afraid to watch as you leaved the ground. “It’s okay love, you can open your eyes now” Harry whispered and you did as he told you. It was the most beautiful sunset outside the window “I’m flying, Harry, I’m flying” you said imitating Rose in the movie ‘Titanic’ Harry laughed and gave you a kiss on your cheek. “Y/N you should get some sleep, I’ll wake you up when we’re there.” He said and put his arm around you and gave you a kiss on your forehead “I love you Harry.. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have you” you whispered and a pressed your lips against his before you made it comfortable for yourself in his arms. A loud bang woke you up. Harry looked out the wing with fear in his eyes. “What’s wrong?” you whispered. “The plane is on fire” He whispered. You couldn’t believe it, but the right wing was on fire and large flames were streaming out of the planes four engines. “oh my god, we’re going to die.” You mumbled as your eyes filled with tears. “Y/N I love you, you are the love of my life, I.. I guess I just want you to know that” he said with a sincere expression in his voice. “oh Harry..” you said “..I love you too.” He gave you a kiss so passionate you thought your heart would stop. It was a goodbye kiss. He knew it, you knew it, you wouldn’t survive this. “I wish we’d got more time together, you’re the girl I want marry..” he was crying now, and you were crying to. “Embrace for crash landing!” the captain screamed and everyone on the plane got in the position. You were holding Harry’s hand and looking into his eyes. His beautiful green eyes. And you felt happy that this was the last person you’d lay your eyes on. Harry was smiling too, you knew him well enough to understand he thought the same way about you. “Y/N you’re the best thing that ever happen to me.” he said, but you couldn’t really hear it everyone was screaming and praying while you held your love in your hands. The plane hit the water with such a tremendous force it actually split in half and it started filling with water fast. You unbuttoned your seatbelt and tried to wake harry up, but you couldn’t. “Harry! We need to get off, we’re sinking!” you screamed and he opened his eyes and tried to unbutton his seatbelt but it was stuck. The water was already up to your neck and you started panicking. “Come one harry we need to get off!” you said starting pulling in his seatbelt. It didn’t open. He took your hand in his “Y/N I need you to get off the plane, I’m stuck it’s too late. You must promise to take care of my heart, because I’ve left it with you.” He said with and gave me a smile I couldn’t breathe “Don’t do this to me harry! I can’t live without you! I can’t live..” the tears were streaming down your face and you just stood there in the sinking plane. You couldn’t move. “Y/N You have to get off the plane!” he screamed “No Harry, not without you.” You said and sat down on his lap “Okay..” he whispered and hugged you tightly. And then you both took a deep breath as the water completely filled the airplane. You leaned forward and gave him one last kiss before you both welcomed heaven. ~michellestyles
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 02:15:35 +0000

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