Imagine for sorcha (louis) Its been about a year since you last - TopicsExpress


Imagine for sorcha (louis) Its been about a year since you last saw louis in your hometown of doncaster, he left for London to continue his career of being a singer. You have always called him and texted him but he never seemed to reply, you were worried incase he didnt like you any more as a best friend but what he doesnt know is that you love him more than a best friend. You decide to call him one last time to tell him you are moving to Australia and that you are never coming back, your hand starts to shake when you pick up your phone but what shocked you next you will never forget. *Louis POV* I really miss my family its been about a year since I last seen my mum and sisters but one special person hasnt left my mind Sorcha. Well she is my best friend forever and it hurt me that I have never had the time to call her back, Im scared she hates me I just wish there was a way for me to go back to doncaster. *Next morning still louis POV* I woke up with a slight headache so I rolled out of bed and went to the kitchen in the flat I share with my band mates. I looked around but I couldnt see any body they might be still sleeping as it is only 5:30 am. I was in the middle of drinking tea when a thought struck my mind, maybe I can go back to see sorcha in doncaster today since I know we have a free day. I really miss her I love her but she only loves me as a best friend but I love her as something more. I leave a note for the boys to tell them ill be back in a couple of days, I immediately race out the front door and jump in my car for the long ride to doncaster. *Skip car ride* Its time Im finally going to see sorcha after being a part for near a year I wonder if she will still remember me, as I make my way up the front door I start to feel really nervous as my hand starts to shake the minute I reach for the door handle. I pull it down and step quietly inside, I see her sleeping on the couch with tear stains on her cheeks, I wonder what happened. I quietly sit down and watch her sleep she looks so peaceful. *Your POV* I can feel a presence beside me, I wonder who it is, I flutter my eyes open and couldnt believe it. Louis my best friend was sleeping right beside me omg how did he get here has he been here when I was still sleeping, a lot of questions ran through your head. I suddenly have an idea on how to wake him up, I see that he took his TOMS off and that he is again wearing no socks, so I reach over and lightly glide my fingers up and down his foot, he immediately starts to giggle and squirm and move around in his sleep. You quietly chuckle to yourself Hes so cute I have missed his laugh. *Louis POV* I feel fingers glide up my foot, I immediately start to giggle it tickled so badly whoever was doing It better stop. I quietly flutter my eyes open and there in front of me was my sorhca. Sorcha I have missed you so much, Louiiiissssss, I missed you too I thought your forgot about me. She thought I forgot about her Sorcha I could never forget about you, I love you more than a best friend sorch will you please be my girlfriend?. *Your POV* He says she loves me more than a friend Im really happy I thought he wouldnt feel the same way but turns out he did. I Juno into his arms and start to cry Yes Lou yes I will. That day was a day you never forgot for the rest of your life you were glad you never made that call to him about leaving. Its as if fate had put this together it wanted yous to be reunited. Maybe thats true love distance will never separate us it just brings us closer. I hope you like it
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 19:17:39 +0000

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