Immigration reform in Congress is dead. That’s really bad news - TopicsExpress


Immigration reform in Congress is dead. That’s really bad news for Republicans in 2016. reddit/r/politics/comments/29d7lj/immigration_reform_in_congress_is_dead_thats/ • the GOP has been pushing immigration reform since I can remember, but never do anything about it. Because their masters make profit off immigrants. • Its even worse news for the Chamber of Commerce as they cant import millions of unskilled laborers to further stagnant wages • Theyve done a pretty good job keeping wages suppressed as it is, unfortunately. • Sounds like OP really cares about GOP! • Republicans worst enemy has always been Republicans themselves. • Immigration reform wouldnt have done anything to reverse the GOPs demographic issues. It didnt work for Reagan and its not going to work now. Besides, the only group on the right that are really pushing for amnesty is the Chamber of Commerce, which is only interested in suppressing wage growth. • If the Hispanic Community is capable of making a difference in elections, this years midterm elections is the perfect opportunity to prove it. Why wait until 2016 when this is the best time to wield that voting block? What better way to stick a finger in the Republicans eyes than to deny them the Senate and cut their House numbers down to the point they lose the majority. That would certainly get their attention. • I doubt well see a Democratic majority in the House for a long time due to gerrymandering. Democratic candidates already got significantly more votes in 2012 than Republicans. • The gerrymandering could actually backfire on them. Weve seen several instances where establishment Republicans have lost their primaries because of challenges from their right. When these new candidates get to the general election, they have a problem: the more conservative Republican voters likely would have voted for the Republican no matter what, but more centrist voters may think twice about the candidate who is further to the Right. So previously safe Republican districts may now be in play. If the Tea Party never happened, the Republicans would likely be in control of the Senate right now. • Its true that if the Tea Party never happened, fewer stupid candidates would have run, and the Republicans would have controlled the Senate after 2010 and certainly after 2014. However, without the Tea Party, the base might not have been so motivated in 2010, so its a conundrum. • The only guarantee in this election is that Democrats wont stand a chance of taking the House and could easily lose the Senate too if they sit out this midterm election as they did the 2010 midterm elections. In case some have forgotten, this country has been paying a heavy political price ever since and losing the Senate this year will magnify the political problems exponentially. Forget what some have said about gerrymandering and turn out to vote any way. If nothing else, do it as an act of defiance to those who ignore most Americans...Congressional Conservatives and their Wall Street enablers. • What your talking about here, is issues that just appeals to a minority of republican voters. And you fail to take into account that obstructionism does actually get punished by voters on a party level. It is also a fact that more people voted for the democratic party than the republican one in 2010. And we know that the republican base is shrinking due to demographic changes. Gerrymandering is the largest explanation left for this phenomenon. • Latinos have very poor turnout rates. • Assuming thats true, its a gut punch to the arguments some are using to champion immigration reform. • This good news for everyone but the gop. • Perhaps people are frustrated with the constant emphasis on amnesty for illegals? Perhaps people loose faith in the government to deal with detainees? Im pretty left wing when it comes to social issues, but the constant whining from illegal aliens and their advocates about the laws they willingly broke being unfair is quite off putting. Millions of people have come to the states and followed the law every step of the way and there is zero reason why we should give people who broke that law a free pass. (〃・・〃) Get the Lone Wolf shirt metee/110/Lone_Wolf/ free shipping • OKcupid Visitors every day (30-200+ per day) OKvisits It is free
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 08:36:51 +0000

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