Implants are without a doubt the most talked about contactee - TopicsExpress


Implants are without a doubt the most talked about contactee phenomena. Where other matters are in fact more common than the implant phenomena, implants get the most press. Why this focus on implants? Humans regularly tag wild life in order to track it, tag their domestic animals so they can be found if lost, tag their cars so ownership can be proved, etch their name on the backs of valuable items, assign numbers such as the Social Security Number to identify each other, and expect their spouse to wear a ring. Ownership. Just so, when humans realize that they themselves or others have been implanted, the worst notions of the tagging process that humans do to each other, and to animals, come to mind. The Nazis death camps, where humans were tattooed with numbers so they could not escape their fate, men who smash their wives in the face so the scars and broken nose will announce to the world that they cannot escape brutality, livestock to be culled from the herd marked with bright colors so they cannot be missed, and wildlife tagged so it can be recaptured and perhaps killed and dissected for science. Humans being tagged? What can this mean? Implants must be put into the perspective of the wider picture. Contactees are all volunteers. Tagged or not, they can end their status as contactees at will. They have the power. Therefore, implants are not a tag placed in a possession. Think of an implant, rather, as a type of portable, lightweight, ever-ready telephone. The implant allows the aliens in contact to quickly locate the contactee, saving both a lot of time. Implants have been described as going up the nose, behind the ear, into the bones of the head, and under the skin. All that and more. They have been described as organic and structured to dissolve when removed. Some are that, and some are not affected by removal, and some are not of organic materials at all. ZetaTalk: Implants, written by Jul 15, 1995.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 14:45:41 +0000

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