In 1916 during the middle of world war 1 , the British and allies - TopicsExpress


In 1916 during the middle of world war 1 , the British and allies were losing the war with Germany . They needed help and the Zionist federation of Great Britain and Ireland offered the British support from America and the Bolsheviks of Russia . In exchange they wanted a Jewish homeland . Among the sites considered was Australia and Uganda but they eventually settled on Palestine. Initially , they only wanted a place to stay but not statehood but that all changed soon after . In nov 1917 , the Balfour declaration came into existence where Britain made its commitment to the formation of an Jewish state in Palestine . Then in 1933 , the German Zionist org signed the Haavara agreement with Nazi Germany to facilitate the transfer of German Jews to Palestine . So strong was the relationship between the nazis and Zionist that they even printed coins with swastika on one side and the Star of David on the other for use in Palestine ! They also made agreements with the American and British govts not to allow any fleeing Jew into their country to force them to go to Palestine . This was how 6 million innocent Jews perished while a few elitist Zionist led by Baron Rothschild got their Jewish state at the expense of the Palestinians . The point I am making is to show how millions of common people suffer and get killed while the powerful play chess games . To rub salt into the wounds , these very same people who created this misery go around proclaiming to be the defenders of their race . It is very efficient tactic - create a problem , then solve the problem u created , keep the spoils while promoting themselves as saviours . Race and religion is just a tool . Zionist do not equal Jews just as UMNO does not equal Malays . The Zionist were willing to sacrifice 6 million Jews in cahoots with the Nazis to get their goal and now they are heaping untold miseries on the Palestinian people .
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 00:36:02 +0000

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