In Honor of Departing Captain J I Will Submit The Police Report - TopicsExpress


In Honor of Departing Captain J I Will Submit The Police Report That Even Captain J Says Is Top Secret. To Save Charlie Gappmeyers & Captain Js Good Name: All Hell Breaks Loose 8/18/12 ……….. literally….. here’s the details……. So its a ‘typical’ Friday night at the ‘restructured Grants house’ and I make sure the boys have a Pizza from Pizza Hut (the choice of the night) and I’m off back the the Bacuhus Pub in Bozeman for a couple of drinks…….. and then home by 10-11pm is the ‘plan’ ………………… I was in their earlier and saw Lili with some guy just sitting down to Dinner at Teds…….. So on the way back I’m blaring something on the ‘surround sound’ in the Dodge Truck and ‘living the dream’……………lol……. Arrive at Teds around 7pm +/- and enter through the side door crossing through Teds to the Bacuhus……… looking over my left shoulder I see Lili and give a quick smile….. A couple of rounds later all is well and I’m at my usual ‘post’ at the Bars end where I nick named the rail in place as ‘the Irish Stripper Pole’ …. lol ……. looking over my shoulder I see Lili coming out of the bathroom.. I give her a shout out ‘hi Lili’, she turns around and comes back to say hi…… Tell her I havn’t seen her for a while ask how her kids are and how everything else was going….. she returned the questions my way and we gave each other a hug good bye and both said it was good to see each other etc…….. sounds pretty harmless doesn’t it ……………… did to me too……. The usual ‘routine’ for me was to go to the Bacuhus and have 1-2 beers and then after a while go over to Ted’s and have 1-2 more then call it a night……… Hey there was ‘eye candy’ in both places and I liked to keep current on the field………………. it was cheap entertainment……. for a guy on a budget……. The ‘elite’ and ‘elitist’ were still trying to figure out which one I was ………….. Nothing new…….. when I moved into Cauchuaga years ago ‘rumors were’………. he’s undercover fish and game…… he’s undercover DEA………. etc………..etc……. made it through East Carmel Valley….. figured this would be over soon….. in Bozeman and everyone could relax……. Anyways…….. that night……. I went into Teds to do my usual (2) Beers and ‘lament’ on my attempts on single parenting………….. really both the Bauchus and Teds bartenders were quite up on the in’s and out of what I called my ‘kids wars’………………………. so it was typical for me to be there and that was my usual time for me to be there as well…… that evening the ‘eye candy’ was especially good with Lili there and her friend………. I drank my (2) beers and left to return to the Bauchus for (1) more beer then the ‘plan’ was to head home……. Well, I’m standing by my usual place and out of my blind side to my right a fellow appears who was with Lili and gets ‘right in my face around my right cheekbone…. I have a ‘Bluemoon’ Draft in my right hand so I’m looking out my right corner of my eye thinking (wtf) and he says - ——– “ Hey God told me he doesn’t like you…………. (then stared at me for a moment)…… then he said; stay in here and drink your beer “…………… and turned around and walked back towards Teds……..Looking forward for a moment……… I said ‘ok’……. took a drink of my beer and put it down by the Cash Machine heading out the door towards Teds and this guy…….. it wasn’t ‘go time’ as they say on LA Choppers……. it was ‘show time’ from where I come from…………. aka: ‘don’t hesitate. Slap him’ as my dad raised me……. I fully intended to engage him before he reentered Teds but he was through the door before I could get to him………. sitting down in front of Lili as she glanced up to see me coming at full clip (double time)……… walking up to the table….. I put my left foot behind his chair leg and started talking to Lili…….. my intention was then to tell her what an idiot this guy was and what he just did…… something like this; ‘ you know what this guy just did…… he came in there and said……“ Hey God told me he doesn’t like you……. then he said; stay in here and drink your beer ”……… suddenly he attempts to slide his chair back and stand up………. and says ‘would you like to go outside and talk about it’……………..immediately I had him up against the wall in a fighting stance I knew ‘from actually being in a fight’……. put it this way……. I had him and he knew it ………. I had two choices……..a shot to the eyes and throat or an elbow to the face at close range……. I even glanced over my left shoulder and was going to throw him out the window but there was (4) elderly ladies sitting at the table behind him so I figured I better not……. as one could have a heart attack…….. in hindsight, they would of loved it and probably bought Lili a drink and gave her a wink with a ‘been there’ look…… lol But back to the ‘situation for the situation room’ ….. lol….. anyways………. I looked him in the eyes point blank and said; ‘you don’t have enough balls between your legs or muscles on your arms to pull that off…….. and don’t you ever leave a sophisticated eloquent lady sitting at a table and go into another bar and call a guy out…. Lili’s hyperventilating….. saying; ‘ I’m so sorry Keith ,I’m so sorry Keith’ then I look back at him and say; ‘out of respect for Lili I going to turn around and walk out of here right now, good bye Lili..”………. Lili….. still hyperventilating is saying ‘thank you Keith, thank you Keith’…… then she drops back into her seat with a WTF look on her face looking at this guy ……. I’m exiting stage left and on the way back to my Blue Moon Beer (favorite at the time)….. walking back into the Bacuhus I said……., I’ll have a shot of Millagro Iced………….. STAT After a while,………… I noticed he had called for ‘back up’ and 2 guys enetered Teds looking the 2 of them……………. One thing I have always wondered about that night is what type of Underarm Deodorant Lili had on that night ? I mean really think about it, that was the Ultimate Woman’s Underarm Deodorant Commercial….. don’t you think …… ? ….. lol……………… dating at 50…… what a mess Anyways, so these guys walk in and who knows there 6’4” plus ‘maybe one of them’ etc…. And they form a triangle to walk Lili outside with ‘this guy’……. So I head outside to say good bye…. to all of them….. I didn’t care ……. So walking outside I look at Lili and start to say good bye…… when all of a sudden “Power Ranger” comes over to me and gets into a fighting stance to my left quarter with his right foot forward and left foot back so his groin wasn’t exposed……… his right foot was between my two feet and about 12” out from my two feet squared…… ‘He was in my bubble’ …… with the position he had he could have easily swung hard with his left knee and tagged my balls hard…… since I have had that done so many times I consider myself an expert in getting kicked in the nutts….. I decided ‘that’s not going to happen……………. Looking at him I gave him the benefit of the doubt and said; ‘are you kidding me’ ? 1-2 seconds later I initiated DEF-CON 4 and executed an Elbow Strike in the direction of his face…… he moved with a standard forearm block but was catapulted ‘Over the Fence at Teds’…….. Al I wanted was some separation…….. Trust me…… I don’t care who you are even the Pope with Jesus Christ backing you up…….. Get in my bubble with a knee strike in optimum range. I will institute DEF-CON 4 on you as well……. So now I look over and he’s hanging on the fence at Ted’s by his feet……….. upside down….he climbs back over and is walking to my left….. I’m waiting for the next act…… then he nods to his right and one of the 2 guys gets into his ‘wanna be’ fighting stance….. hey – I’ll at least give the other guy the nod he ‘was in’ a fighting stance…… This guy…… who I would later figure out is Aston Kucher ………. was in something out of a movie fighting stance from the 1800′s you know the Old Boxer Stance….and says, ‘ I’m the tough guy now’…… elbows down… fists straight up………. in my head I’m thinking…. ‘now you gotta be kidding me’ ……. Lili starts a zig – zag move between us saying…… ‘ I’m so sorry you got involved in this Keith, I’m so sorry you got involved in this Keith……… ‘I say, oh no your not’…… I mean think about it……. what hot woman who looks 29 but is lets just say a little older then that….. wouldn’t be thinking ‘ I’m a teenager again….. WTF ‘….. lol Anyways, I’m ‘locked and loaded for ‘high chaparral’ to make his move and Lili is barking a play like a super bowl quarter back and they exit stage left……… I’m still trying to figure out why the 2nd guy didn’t want to throw a swing…… Walking back into the Bauchus I replay the story to one of the ladies who work there and we both conclude with a WTF and off I go to drop by 317 for another because I needed it after that fiasco….. I get in my truck and start it up…… call home to check in with Dillon and let him know…. I tell him what happened and he’s typical Dillon…… ‘who is this idiot, I’ll kick his ass… ok Dad be careful’…… that’s my boys…… wouldn’t have it any other way…… There the MEN…….. So I start to drive off and heading east down Main Street my truck is leaning hard to the right so I pull over….. somebody had flattened my (2) right tires………… ‘this was no accident’ either…… Truck after Joe Flew over the Fence at Teds My Truck at Tire Town (Bozeman, Mall) the Morning after ‘Joe’ flew over the fence at Teds.(2 Flats) I call a Tow Truck and am waiting and a couple of Guys and a Gal I know from the ridge walk by asking ‘what happened’….. so I do a tell all and let them know…….. they give me a WTF ………. Before the tow truck arrives a Bozeman Policeman arrives and asks me what happened… I ask him how he got the call ? And he informs me they listen to the Tow Truck scanner and he picked it up…. I give him a ‘short, some guy’ explanation and he asks me if I know who he is and I told him to call Lili…. all I wanted is the tow paid for and I would be good I told him….. no harm done…….. and Lili would have the option to say what ever she wanted to…… I left it up to her…….. remember…. she tells the truth I get a rent a car ‘because parenting without a car is a crime’ and return home…… Later I would find out….. the guys is rumored to be a 7th degree black belt……….. Several years later……….. I would find out someone put on a comment on me in Bozeman Police files ‘without a citation, trial or hearing……… that I have ‘violent tendencies’………. Remember what I said about the area’s of the country where there’s a society within a society………. well your not allowed to defend yourself either ………….. if you do and the other guy has a Black Belt….you will be cited without knowing it with ‘violent tendencies’……….keep this in mind when you drink in Bozeman…….. what a circus………… here’s the download: All Hell Breaks Loose Recent Posts DREW BREES RAPES CHEERLEADER NIGHT OF SUPERBOWL WIN (posted 09/26/14) NEW Release at Top of Page With Input From Arnold Schwarzenegger & Clint Eastwood DREW BREES RAPES CHEERLEADER NIGHT OF SUPERBOWL WIN (posted 05/16/14) release at bottom of page The End of Don’t Ask – Don’t Tell in the United States Military on 12/18/13 The United States Marine Corps ‘Does Not Support’ Interracial Marriage – UPDATED + NEW’s Release ! 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Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 13:39:03 +0000

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