In Obahiagbons voice: Let me say prestissimo, that is as - TopicsExpress


In Obahiagbons voice: Let me say prestissimo, that is as quickly as possible, that the political crinkum-crankum or if you like, the political higi-haga that has enveloped the politics of UI for a period of aeon now has all the trappings of an odoriferous saga cum gargantuan gaga. and I am maniacally bewildered that this flashpoints is of no serious concern to the commander in chief of the Aluta forces in UI republic. This is because all the flashpoints of war that has lubored and transmogrified into bringing about a calamitous end for the union, always has their temerus acu-their source of origin that is-either in one hall or in one region. For me, as far as I am concerned, I can see the ship of UISU hovering around the political Bermuda Triangle and if we do not take very urgent and responsible steps to meander the interstices of eschewable cataracts, land mines waterfronts, icebergs and ox bow lakes, the ship of the SU has all the capacities and possibilities of berthing in the disastrous and pestilential aqua of a terminus aquem . Let me say that my critical history and historiography of the study of the war of attrition and belligerence in Zik hall did not commence with Zik/Indy political tendency. it commenced strictly speaking with the suspicion by some power centres that TOT. nurses an ambition for the post of the SU President of UI. It’s very crystal clear like the biblical MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. Its audible to the deaf and visible to the blind. and any case, no less the political personage than the Powerful underdogs of UI have been heard to have confirmed that. We read it on the SU page that 2014 is the fons et origo of this crisis, its the fons et origo of political tension in the school and we urged the political dramatis personae to put their sheath in their swords that graduation is still far away. But if you look at the totality of the crisis just now, it leaves me with just two conclusions. ONE! That 2014 is inherently laden with a political and democratic thalidomide (stillborn). TWO! Whereas some social scientist like myself have gone to town for donkey years now saying that what we have is not a democracy, but what we have is civilian rule, but by recent events, Im even tempted to say No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No, UI is neither witnessing civilian rule, nor is it witnessing democracy, what we have at best, is a form of government I call kakistomoboplutocracy and that is BAD for the union. Is it within the Indy/Kuti context...? If within the microscopic ceramics and cadence of lawmakers who are supposed to be the suzerens of democratic ethics and ethos in their respective terra firma, you cannot adjudge democratic score then I comment my reserve. #tongue-in-cheek
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 22:52:46 +0000

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